Monday, October 17, 2005

Four Months to the Day 9/28/05

Well I finally saw Scotty and was delighted to find him full of courage and ready to fight our foolish foe. God has taken him through his doubts and now will take him to victory. We were taken to court but never left the holding cell. They told us our lawyers rescheduled. Funny, I don’t have one. I actually like this action since it appears to be separating us from the defendants, which is all I try to accomplish when present. Now I can just not go and have the same effect. I have put all on notice I will not attend court without an order of a judge demanding it. Now some common sense... Utah case is over. The feds can’t let them prosecute on the chance I win and it effect their case. Besides the 1500 years I’m facing in the feds should be enough to hold me. The next way you can tell Utah will drop the case is the feds said they were going to let them prosecute in their press (lie) release. How do you know government is lying? Their lips are moving. Hey with good time I can be out in 1200 years. Will somebody tell me what the millennium was like? The bigger the numbers the bigger the bluff. Welcome to the World Series of Poker folks.


neodemes said...

TwinGift94 said...
I'm all in Kurt. Now the stare down between us and our foe begins. Who is going to blink first and fold? Now lets see who has the guts to face the facts of this case.

TwinGift94 ALSO said...
We sit here in judgement with nothing on the line. Kurt and Scott are the ones who will ultimately sacrifice.

It should be easy enough for YOU not to blink, David, eh?

'All in' to you means what, exactly?


neodemes said...

Thanks for clarifying that, starfish.

I tend to doubt that the clients will ever be gone after.

The brokers and agents, though, well, that's another story.

son of a prophet said...

A previous post posited the query as to whether the Dorean Process is contributing to the evetnual incoming of the "Beast system" as described in the Book of Revelation.

Here are some of my thoughts and cogitations on the issue......

In fact, I do believe that the Dorean process is a part of the eventual establishemt of the 'Beast system' as described in Revelation.
This is one reason why I believe that it will ultimately be successful or at least lead to change. I also believe that HESARA will ultimately come about also for the same reasons given.

Having said this, do I believe that it is necessarily wrong for a Christian to participate in either of these or feel guilt about doing so?? NO! I do not belive that it is inherently wrong for a Christian to particiapte in either or any future devised similar programs.

At first blush, it may seem that my positions are contrdictory. They are not.

A Christian may/must use all legal resources availalble to him to provide. Some of these in fact may have been provided by Yeshua Himself. And dont worry, any sin incurred has been paid for by Yeshua Himself and you will also incur payment in this life as well. So, I would do what is needed to provide for myself and my family and let God sort out all deal with all the consequences of my actions.

One must however be very careful as to how one applies this principle. (not principal-which is $$$$)

Fro exmample, according to the bible, one should not kill to save/protect/provide for his family as the bible says that 'thou shalt not kill.' It did not say that 'thou shalt not kill except to protect/save/provide for ones family.'

This is an admitted difficult concept to understand, but nevertheless, that is what the bible teaches. Agian, one would be killing another to survive in what we know is satans kingdom,(earth) as previously discussed in an earlier post. Yeshua prohibits this.

Peace of Yeshua be with you.

WillToFight said...

StarFish Prime

Slow down. Slow Down. It is very difficult to truly understand what direction you come from?

I like truth. I am not Christian, Muslem, or Jew/Hebrew. However, the argument that you might have with me, I do not believe your capable of defending, nor comprehending.

Yet, I do appreciate some of your input, you can no longer monopolize this blog.

Slow down, Slow down, you do not need to react to every post made.

We will get there my friend. Then we can debate what-ever.

WillToFight said...


another thing. Get out of this Left/Right Liberal/Conservative rutt, your spoutting about.

It is beyond that. Those that will or try to have complete power relish on folks like you who really believe in a difference!

~~The Swami~~~ said...

Starfish Prime said...
On 6-6-6

The Beast

will be released


(June 6, 2006)

Swami Said:

THAT'S JUST GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's when I'm suppose to start my vacation!!!!!!!! CRAP!!!!!

~~The Swami~~~ said...

CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well let me tell you something haven't heard the last from me - no Sir. You haven't heard the last of The Swami....NO SIR!!!!!!!! (Bonk,Thump,Ker Plunk)

~~The Swami~~~ said...

Starfish Prime said...
Swami spouted:

"(Bonk,Thump,Ker Plunk)"

That was Starfish Prime knocking Swami over the head with a backhand, Swami's belly hitting the floor first.. ., finally the rest of him.

Swami Said:

(Crickets Chirping)

~~The Swami~~~ said...

Starfish, your ability to copy and paste greatly surpasses your weak attempts at humor. Read my passage again. It was not directed towards you, but towards "YOUR" master. Let me beat you to the punch,"F*ck you Swami!"

~~The Swami~~~ said...

Ace, Starfish gets high smelling his own farts! He told you in his username........just look...

Starfish re-arranged = His Farts

~~The Swami~~~ said...

Let's play Hangman!

J _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

~~The Swami~~~ said...

Let's play Hangman!

J _ _ _ _ F _ _ _ _

~~The Swami~~~ said...

Let's play Hangman!

J _ _ _ _ F _ _ _ 0

~~The Swami~~~ said...

Let's play Hangman!

J _ _ _ _ F 4 _ 4 0

~~The Swami~~~ said...

Starfish(His farts), I called and ordered a pizza from Domino's just now. Will you be the one delivering the pizza?

~~The Swami~~~ said...

This blog was once entertaining and helpful. You telling everyone to F off is getting old. Have some class and attempt un-insulting conversation with people. You will look back one day and say to yourself,"I was a complete idiot when I was 21". I promise you will.....WE "ALL" DO!

~~The Swami~~~ said...

It seems you have an insecurity problem Starfish. YOU are the one telling everyone how smart, pretty, and puntaned up you are. I don't think I'm better than anyone - that attitude always comes back to bite you! There are some extremely smart people that input into this blog. If you would stop patting yourself on the back so hard, you might learn something from these people! Instead you are driving away the people that have something to input! Please Starfish.....just chill man. God gave you two ears....not two mouths!

S illiness
W as
A lways
M y
I ntention

son of a prophet said...

FOCL-Fell Off Chair Laughing

Watching th World Tribnals in Iraq, I couldnt help wondering if Saddams defense team includes lawyers from the DG.

It would appear that Saddam is using the same type of defense (I guess its going worldwide) as the DG.

Rather than answer quetions from the Tribunal, refuse to answer and go right to the source and question it.

Trubunal: "Saddam,how do you plead"?

Saddam: "What do you mean how do I plead'? Who are you? I dont recognize your authority! I AM the Predident of Iraq, NOT YOU!
---- YOU, how do I plead. Who the ---- are you?? This strategy just might work. Wouldnt it be soemthing if Saddam beats the case and again becomes the President of Iraq? (BTW-IF this should ever happen, this would undoubtedly qualify Mr. Saddam as the Beast of Babylon, no questoins about it, as this coincedence of happening would be in the trillions of trillions to one odds.) It would have had to have been orchestrated by the Illums.
