Monday, December 19, 2005

The Sinking Ship

I think one of the greatest memories I will take from this experience is of the rats leaving the ship. It is why men like Scott and I are called. It is the captains at heart that stay with the ship who experience the calm after the tempest. Captains are not tossed by every wave as their ships. They know the capabilities of the craft and have experience. Many of the friends who loved the ship when it looked like the Love Boat have discovered they have not confidence, experience or wisdom to trust. Sometimes a captain gets lucky and finds a few sailors among the passengers which I have; Welcome aboard. I regret to inform you that the hired help took their lifeboats under the cover of darkness. They have chosen their own reward but have most definitely forfeited the glory of arriving in port. I won’t lie to you in that I have suffered much loss and it will affect the schedule of arrival, but I know my vessel and how sea-worthy she is. I also know that the gusting of this storm is a bunch of hot air reacting to the cold steel resolve of man and mission. The collection of statements left behind by those abandoning post are what captains have placed in their excuse log for generations and it will never change. “I didn’t sanction this”, “I didn’t authorize”, He didn’t have my permission”, “He wouldn’t let me do my job”, “He’s a control freak”, “there’s nothing that could be done anyway”, “he wouldn’t listen to me”, “He doesn’t have all the facts”, “you didn’t pay me for this”, “pay me first and I will work”. A captain’s ears are calloused to the vocabulary of the quitters. If their words have any merit to you it will be to your own folly. For they are there for the battle breaking and confetti on every fantastic voyage but you like them if you heed their words will be on an endless journey without a destination. Dorean has a destination, a voyage marked in history and in opposition to the Titanic which sank. We which were supposed to be destroyed arrived safely in port. And all who despised her precious cargo of truth and courage are forever shamed. The inhabitants of the land spent that delivered truth for many years to come. Then the battle worn parties of concern drank the warm cup of comfort in a quiet toast to achievement with their captain and friend and never spoke the names of the quitters again.


G-FORCE said...

Does anyone have Kurt and Scott's current mailing address. I need to verify. Thanks in advance.----Concerning prophecy, the Bible ALWAYS takes precedence over a prophetic word if there is a cotradiction. Banksters and prophecy---read James 5(among others). The word of the Lord through Kim Clement falls directly in line with Scripture written thousands of years ago. That word is a heads up for this generation.(

neodemes said...

"It is the captains at heart that stay with the ship who experience the calm after the tempest."

Hey, Popeye, in case you didn't notice, you are in the Brig.

How are those refunds coming along?

son of a prophet said...

This story could have been written for the movie "Its a Wonderful Life."

George Bailey vs. MR. POTTER.

Bailey owned one small savings and loan and POTTER owned the big bank trying to buy out the little savigns and loan so he could then bankrupt and own all the property in the town for peanuts.

OF course, in that story, Bailey won. We'll see what happens here.

HOwever, I have been noticing on the net that groups are starting to form mutual savings banks where people can deposit and get loans at reasonable rates. This looks to be the future trend to submarine the banks.

WillToFight said...


Many of us knew this was a tall mountain to climb with many possible parrels along the way.

Many of us have been erudite before the Dorean process in other areas of this society the need better regulation and truth of its apparent corruption in many sectors.

I can ride the storm. I will not speak for others on that.

I believe it a worthy voyage. I want to see the new land!

Stay strong Kurt/Scott

WillToFight said...

Hey Peanut that was two weeks ago.

See people like that think by just say a thing without proof enough time folk will follow. And in fact that does happen, like in the case of

TacoBELLnoseearingwearingidiot. But many of us have our own minds. We critically think about what is told to us. Then we study the fact and search for truth.

We that are hanging in realize the reality of the power and forces that we wage this battle against. We've seen and experienced it in other sectors of economic first hand.


The naysayers do not want to see truth. Seeing truth and standing up for what is right is against somes moral compase and others have a definitive conflict of interest and are not able to sleep at night!


WillToFight said...


What the hell oh your in hell!

you make absolutety not a bit of sense.

Go look up the DTCC on your google search. You'll find there some startling information. Try not to stay in your current program. Become human for a moment, long enough to see who is causing the most problem in this economy. about 64T worth. I do understand that study on real info is not your main suite. Any questions ask.