Monday, March 20, 2006

Only One Fear (1/31/06)

As we come down to the pivotal battle you would think my enemy would impose some fear upon me. To tell you the truth they are as insignificant as a buzzing gnat that thinks it is a lion. Men who have so little personal integrity that can't even stand up to their inner moral restraints are too weak for a real man to consider a challenge. Those of you who are in awe of these guys obviously are not battle tested as to your own principle internally or as to external foes. A judge willing to swear an oath to settle a matter and then use said oath as a cover of deceit is of no moral fiber of any tensile strength to test a real man. A prosecutor who believes outcome is more important than the path lives a lie. The FBI like a cat delivering a mouse to master only seeks approval without moral questioning. Defense attorneys are doubleminded and conflicted and believe that they are a hope. Utter foolishness! The clerks are apathetic collectors of a paycheck for their blindness. All of them collectively are like a young boy getting his first sneak at pornography; they know their behavior is wrong but are consumed by lust's perversion. Truly the only fear I possess at the moment is knowing what I am to do and not doing it. How can I stand opposed to these wimps if in honesty I cave to the same moral deficiency. All men have the temptation. It is the choice that separates men from perverts. It will take courage to do my duty. It is where I focus all my prayer. I want to be a living example to these midgets what standing tall could be if they would make the right choice. If you aren't facing this fear on a regular basis you have already succumb to error.


son of a prophet said...

51 States STate of New Columbia, we are screwed MUST READ


Ok, found this the other day and didnt realize what it was for the longest time..
In the 80's DC voted and became the 51st state of the United States. It is now called.... THE STATE OF NEW COLUMBIA. And because of this we arre screwed, they drafted up a constitution that is going to apply to the new state and to its intereests. This new Constitution shoots the hell out of any other ones before. The bill of rights is so shitty. You nolonger have the right to redress for greivances. right to bear arms. soldiers quearting. stuff like that. Half of the freedoms are gone. Now you must be thinking, well that will only apply in This new state. well wrap your mind around this.. Because the District of Columbia owned the UNTIED STATES as a corporation. When it became a state it still hold this as property. And thus it will aply to the entire US. also on ascary note, it talks about getting rid of state boundaries. it will be divided up only for the purposes of 40 voting districts. but will become a single unit. This IS A MUST READ. it hasnt been put into effect yet, but soon it will be. A mayor in 2003 said that he is wary because this will happen before his term is up. his term is over in 2007. so expect something by then.. The shiznit is going to hit the fan here real soon. They are going to make a last ditch effort..

This is the link :

link page is :

Also on another note, there is a movie produced and directed by aaron russo, called america: from freedom to facism. you can find where his movies are playing by typing in the title under showing. The cost of these are free. show up with as many ppl as you can. everyplace it has shown has been such a big hit that it was given a standing ovation.. please take the time to read up on both of these points. The state and the movie

WillToFight said...


Notice TACO

I rarely give you a response along with your buddy Neodo. However, for the last time, I will respond.

You live in fear! You have no courage to engage in changes that might free you and your family from economic and cultural slavery!

Please do not respond. There really isn't much you and I can talk about!

You are a waist to progress and the only reason you speak against this process is because you were only greedy from the beginning and had and still don't have any understanding of what is going on!

Enough Said, do not address me any longer.

WillToFight said...

Fuck UTAH!

You Vice President speaks that language!