Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Half the Distance to the Goal (05-06-07)

This is a phrase used in football that sounds like a great amount on a 100-yard field. You would think it could be as much as half the field. The term is used only when the distance remaining to your goal is less than the infraction of your enemy. Yesterday my wife and I cried some heavy tears over circumstances that keep delaying our goal. I was reminded of the Abraham, Isaac and ram story again in a revelation of comfort. In the book of Jasher, Abraham and Isaac are at the alter crying heavy tears. Their love for each other being sacrificed for their love of God. The tears are sorrow, joy, fear, faith, hope and love all mingled together. We are all called to these alters in our life. The journey to the alter is long but at the alter the provision of God is close. You might say that the ram was, at the time, seen half the distance to the goal. Abraham had to get to the ram and bring it in equal distance back to the alter. In relation to the entire journey this last ruling of the official was miniscule but necessary to complete the journey, to reach our goal. As I desired for my wife to find hope that this last foul was taking us to the ram, I want you to understand how far you’ve come towards your goal. Turn to the ram and realize how close you are to memorializing in your history that your sacrifice unto God is a completed act, a score, a goal. That which appeared for us this week as a delay of game was really an assistance to the ram. As we march back with God’s provision our goal is a certain accomplishment. I would not be surprised that as I get closer to this ram by the official decree that I will discover it is without blemish, better than I can imagine and will leave only the joyous tears. As I free this ram from the thickets by my faith and prayer I look back at Isaac, my promise, and know it is safe and will remain with me.


sd said...

Make sure that BJ buys at the canteen next time. That was part of the agreement.


sd said...

"The lost causes are the only causes worth fighting for"
Jimmy Stewart
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington


Anonymous said...

I heard THAT

sd said...

It is not what happens to you in life that really matters, it is how you react to what happens to you.

That is just a tib bit of information from someone that often has a hard time reacting well even with prior knowledge of what really matters.
