Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Psalms 91 1-7-11

Psalms 91 has been a personal blessing to millions of believers through countless generations from the day it was penned. The words comforting every troubled spirit who looks to God as their help. No doubt this is the intended interpretation but upon my reading I discovered an alternate that touched me as richly but in a different kind of assurance. I saw verses 1-13 being spoken not to me but to Christ alone. These may be why the devil used these verses the way he did during the temptation. Then verse 14-16 I saw as Christ speaking to me.

The comfort I gained from this interpretation was I have knowledge that all those promises are fulfilled in Christ. The love of the father and provision to the son speaks to their character and relationship. The son is obviously precious in the sight of the Lord. His status of beloved is now made as an offer from Him to us to close the psalm. I do not need psalm 91 to be a personal promise as it were to reap all the benefits. For what Christ obtained He freely offers, the promise seemed to take on more potency for me when I saw them as Christ's possessions and given to me through Him.


financial said...
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Anonymous said...

guss dat 'hose me' finly got the msg....good chose...yo gonna leaf uprite inted of sideways....good chose....