Thursday, June 23, 2011


This is a question everyone should ask. The answer you believe true will determine your life view. You don’t have to have a relationship with God to answer with “Yes”. Of course if you do have a relationship with God you will be able to answer with an emphatic “Yes”.

No, allows some modern philosophies, which historically are really recycled, to influence your life choice. Take for example the famous story of Jonah. He finds himself in the belly of a great fish. This fish vomits him onto the beach God intended for him to reach. This story is too fantastic to be credible without a controlling God. If you don’t believe in God’s control this story can never rise above myth.

If man is nothing more than a specie among the many of nature you have not elevated all animals to equality with man but debased man into a mere animal. What is ironic is that the very thought processes that entertains this equality proves superiority.

Without a controlling God morality is capricious and subjective. It can be nothing else. If we are mere animals then it is also frivolous. No lizard contemplated the fate of any bug it eats or of other lizards why should men. Jeffery Dalmer was one of the few to be brave enough to truly allow this belief system to not be compromised. He lived it out to its logical conclusion. There are no rights because these are the product of natural law which presupposes an intelligent creator.

Is your life merely a pinball let loose within the machine of random choices? Have you observed how little control you have over outcomes even when you attempt to control every detail? Can the collective consciousness of all humanity achieve a better result?

If God is in control Dorean is not a bust. Your participation is more than your free choice. Prison and bank fraud are not final answers. Think on this, with either life view your complaint is disingenuous.


judge allslop said...

Whos in charge, not us.The Eagle should be replaced by the Black Swan as the national bird. This shit is down right disgraceful and the participants should be strung up Fallujah style.

NY Fed Won’t Say How Much Money Went to Iraq
Published: Tuesday, 21 Jun 2011 | 7:30 PM ET
By: Eamon Javers

The New York Fed is refusing to tell investigators how many billions of dollars it shipped to Iraq during the early days of the US invasion there, the special inspector general for Iraq reconstruction told CNBC Tuesday.
The Fed’s lack of disclosure is making it difficult for the inspector general to follow the paper trail of billions of dollars that went missing in the chaotic rush to finance the Iraq occupation, and to determine how much of that money was stolen.

judge allslop said...

How does every body feel about taking it in the ass for the US Govt crime syndicate in support of Bankers every where? You haven't seen any thing yet.

Published: June 23, 2011

TRENTON — New Jersey lawmakers on Thursday approved a broad rollback of benefits for 750,000 government workers and retirees, the deepest cut in state and local costs in memory, in a major victory for Gov. Chris Christie and a once-unthinkable setback for the state’s powerful public employee unions. The Assembly passed the bill 46 to 32, as Republicans and a few Democrats defied raucous protests by thousands of people whose chants, vowing electoral revenge, shook the State House.

OMO said...

The Governor of NJ is claiming the new law will save $132 billion over the next 30 years.

So much for End The Fed.

Joseph said...

Allegedly Chase Bank one of the participants in Bernie Madoff's ponzi scheme. Chase being sued for 19 billion for their complicit fraud:

OMO said...

America still going strong

Joseph said...

When a big bank gets caught with their hands in the cookie jar, Judge Alsup comes to the rescue to minimize damages:

Joseph said...
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Joseph said...

X Vice Pres. at Citibank uses his position to do an inside job to steal almost 20 millions & commit bank fraud:,ny

Joseph said...
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