Monday, November 28, 2005


Have you ever wondered how the wise are astonished by the fool as the fool is by the wise? The same set of facts is handled in diverse ways. My environment causes me astonishment all day. You hear every justification to describe the reasonableness of depravity. They couldn’t discover the solution to their problem because they are precluded by their foolishness to see it. To me, it is a microcosm of the entire society and unfortunately what I discovered among my clientele. I do not want you to be blind as the many fools that surround me. Read Tom Schauf’s books, read fed publications, read anything that will help you see the gleaming hope of victory. I can tell you that a fool’s hope is folly because they are destroying their chances by the very execution of their plans. With education you won’t be swayed by the baby talkers on this blog or anywhere else and my actions won’t be a source of astonishment. Let’s pull together as we near the end. As the Musketeers said, “All for one and one for all.”


habakkuk said...

Hey Tcob,
Why dont u shut the hell up.....We obviously know why u have a beef with Kurt.....but the mere fact that you are calling others like Tom Schauf, Irwin Schiff, etc "mouseketeers" tells me that you dont know what the hell your talking about. I know a few things about Tom Schauf and as far as i can see he is only interested in educating people about the truth. This tells me that u are a total idiot and you have nothing better to do.

habakkuk said...

Tcob....Bla,bla,bla.....same old talking points....its getting really stail

son of a prophet said...

"As a Child of God and a Minister with indisputable title, I am standing in the [[[ Kingdom of God ]]],(????) where do you stand?
Are we in a common law court or an admiralty court?
Are you a Mason?
Is there anyone here who is a member of any Masonic organization?
Did you receive a copy of my letter to you dated October 31, 2005?......"

As I would wish Mr. Dempsey well in his fight for truth, I would offer the following as a correction on one point, his statement that he (we) "stand in the Kingdom of God."

I would state that he (we) are all standing in the kingdom of satan. If he (we) were standing in the Kingdom of God, he would not be in that courtroom at all, as in Gods Kingdom, there will be no courtrooms, nor will any be necessary.

He is in fact standng before the 'accuser'. We all know who the accuser is. No explanation is necessary.

Again, refferring back to Yeshua's dialogue with satan, when Yeshua did not queton satans authority to offer Yeshua "all these Kingdoms" as Yeshua knew whom they belong to, and by whos authority was given to satan to offer them; God Himself.


KYHOOYA said...

To: Tcob247
You come here as a thorn, With only one intention to distract any positive advance. I say at best your a plant for if not one of the FBI, JD, or the like. I also say you have posted your possion many times over it's well noted, so like everyone eles has said (EVEN YOU SAID YOU WERE GOING) it's time for you to go. Remember just a short time back you said you would be going and with that post would to be your last post. We know by that example you can't keep your word. Can you take a hint or are you that dence, I mean realy! You just don't have anything else to do right? So I bet when you signed for the process it was a last ditch effort because your over your head in debt and your mad because it didn't save you right? Now you come on here and play out your day posting one neg. BS statments one after anotherinstead of getting off your ass and looking for some info to help yourself nope your just going sit there and wait for someone or thing to come along and save you but your not going to put any work out for it nope your MAD and BLaBlaBlaBla... so go away nobody, well I speak for myself anyway, wants to here you any more and when you go take anyother names you post under with you. My take is that you are the losser that I stated above and have for some time but there is the strong indication that you may be what IBIGO said a few weeks back, and the more I read your post I must tend to agree with him that your a COP, PLANT, FBI, JD, There is just know way your who you say it don't add up, besides even if you were who you say there would be some sign somewhere out of all your post of you looking for Kurt to win as in why you came to be in the process in the first place, but there is none. Something eles seems to be odd with your posts as of late you have a been hitting the "YOUR IN JAIL" as if to say because Kurt is in jail somehow that makes him wrong and the system right. Get a clue if you have one onunce of brains left you should be worried about the fact that Kurt and Scott HAVE been jail now for over 6 mo. and have not had one legel due process. This could be YOU there in jail ( and don't say no not me ) because shit happens every day. this system is well aware of the fact that pepole at large go along with what (just like the lemmings they are) and you keep highlighting this fact "In jail" like it must be true they must be guilty like they want you to think. You keep pointing to the system by not giving Kurt & Scott there legal rights and there rights go forword. You see the fact is there stalling to let the SYSTEM work the people into thinking there wrong by just doing nothing at all, Just stall and leaving them in jail. But, why am I telling you this, You aready know it, don't you? cause the fact is that what your doing here. GO AWAY "COP" how many times do we have to hear you post the same old thing time after time after time.


KYHOOYA said...


Write letters to your Congressman, President and other elected officials. Perhaps we should start a letter, email, fax campaign to help get Scott & Kurt out or at least in front of a court.

7:53 AM

I 2ND THAT They are counting on the fact that were a bunch of lasy $%^&*( and want to have everything handed to us ) Come on people there not going to change with out putting up a fight. Would you? I somehow wonder if it is but a waste of time to try and get the masses to rally as it stand right now we live on a sea of the mindless that hope for a better tomorrow, as long as it won't take any effort from them.


Or you could do what your doing now, NOTHING. That seems the way to go, Now dosn't it? ....


WillToFight said...


That's your problem you have no Idea what's going on. But you still open your idiot mouth just like TACO BELL