Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Your Christ is my Devil (10-18-11)

I heard a quote from Wesley “Your Christ is my Devil”. I could relate to his sentiment The Christ of the gospel message is completely misunderstood by the corrupt human heart. When a true Christian has a relationship with God through Christ he is easily criticized for his obedience which is foreign to all they know as righteous. It is why so many clamored to have Christ crucified. He knew that His true professions of the Godhead would be reflected by those who garner their righteousness from the devil.

What is so despicable about the judicial system Scott and I faced and still fight is that it borrows the righteous credibility of God’s righteousness buy follows the tenets of the devil. Christians foolishly allow themselves to be duped by the profession of righteousness and presume in their ignorance that God’s will is being performed. I tell you the fact by the knowledge of Christ, The true Christ, that our judicial system is akin to witchcraft and none who practice its art can know the Lord. If they profess a relationship with Christ their Christ is the devil of the true gospel.

I have had friends and I will use that term loosely who have studied the word of God with me. Yet when the institutions of law merely make the cursory claims of God’s authority they ignore the witness they have of me and condemn me as unjust. This is the work of the devil and true Christian love cannot practice it. So when you make the profession of Christ I am not easily moved and I will judge you by whose report you believe before I call you brother.

As for the judicial system it has made an enemy with Christ in me. I have no fear of the quantity or the size of the giants God throws at my rock. They will be defeated as Goliath because the true Christ of the gospel is more than a conjurer and is not deceived by the devil’s false righteousness.

As to the battles I face I do not grow weary and have always seen the victory inherent in Christ. So if you cannot understand my determination against or contempt for all things labeled lawful fear not it is easily understood: Christ is my devil.


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persistancepays said...


mogel007 said...

Did you notice the amount of the bank wire, 5 trillion US Dollars?

persistancepays said...

"Did you notice the amount of the bank wire, 5 trillion US Dollars?"

sure. i sent those out all the time!! LOLLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mogel007 said...

An honest politician calls it like it is:


mogel007 said...

Proof the FBI frames people and lies:


mogel007 said...

Pertaining to Kurt's criminal case, he says "A quick look at PACER will be entertaining for you on Monday Sept. the 10th." check it out. See 18-cr-40043 in the Southern District of Illinois if you are following on pacer.

persistancepays said...

Pertaining to Kurt's criminal case, he says "A quick look at PACER will be entertaining for you on Monday Sept. the 10th." check it out. See 18-cr-40043 in the Southern District of Illinois if you are following on pacer.


moogs...i dont have PACER, can you send me a copy when it comes out?

joe doe

mogel007 said...

The FBI apparently said in the court record that Judge Joan E. Donoghue was a figment of Kurt's imagination to suggest she isn't a real World Court judge. Course she is a real World Court Judge. Makes me wonder why the FBI would say such a thing? Kurt believes that she signed one of his World Court judgments in the amount of 14 billion, the largest judgment he has and of course this judgment has been accruing interest since 2016. Kurt believes the FBI knows his judgments are real, so are they saying Judge Joan E. Donoghue isn't a real Judge or a real person to discredit Kurt. Maybe the FBI investigations are just poor and Micky Mouse? Has to be one or the other. The FBI looked at the World Court website to determine if Kurt really has any judgments in his favor. Of course they found none because they aren't listed there. So that's the FBI's evidence that Kurt is not telling the truth, however, Kurt maintains that the FBI doesn't understand how the law works and that the FBI doesn't understand that an individual can have standing in the World Court if they are a party to a Treaty. Normally most suits in the World Court are a country vs. another country, or a State vs. another State. These are the cases that are listed. Apparently other cases involving individuals are listed or recorded elsewhere.

persistancepays said...





OMO said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
OMO said...

1:57 "If you are an artist and you want your art to be heard or seen you have to use these social networking sites. Realistically they are so popular you have to use them nowadays. And because they are PRIVATELY OWNED, you are not protected under freedom of speech. So IF THEY DON'T LIKE WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY, they can remove your content."


It's the same concept with going to court. The courts and prison system are all PRIVATELY OWNED and you ARE NOT PROTECTED UNDER THE CONSTITUTION so if they don't like what you have to say. Unless of course you know what's going on and can mount an adequate defense against said privately owned system.

OMO said...

It's the same concept with going to court. The courts and prison system are all PRIVATELY OWNED and you ARE NOT PROTECTED UNDER THE CONSTITUTION so if they don't like what you have to say THEY CAN DO WHAT THEY WILL WITH YOU. Unless of course you know what's going on and can mount an adequate defense against said privately owned system.

OMO said...

Eustace Mullins: "It is this fundamental conflict which has never been stated in the court. The corporation's legal representatives, the judges and the lawyers, are aware of who they represent, they never inform the citizen that they are functioning on the principles of the law merchant, while the citizen expects to be defended under the principles of the Constitution. The respected legal scholar, Bruce Fein, states, “ It is very disturbing if you have a secret law that is known only to the judge or the government." Washington Post, April 18, 1989. The entire purpose of this work is to inform you, the American citizen, of the existence of this secret law. It is no longer a secret, and you can mount an adequate defense."

persistancepays said...

heres a very interting dude right here-

check this out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3pFntxpgWg

a new approach for the battle?

mogel007 said...

Payseur Family is the head of the Illuminati, the Deep State:

(Lewis 'Cass' PAYSEUR Family, the PAYSEUR family 'Trust' contained the largest trust ever known, 90% of Rail in the usa, all rail-land, AAA shares in over 500 companies Paysuer himself started, bought or plundered.. banks, steel mills, cotton mills, car companies, * i believe Cass Payseur owned standard oil & all the getty / rockerfeller / schiff / warburg / springs and others were the trustees till Cass died and his 99yr trusts matured.. and a certain Mr Rothschild was one of his Bankers/Trustees by then..??

OMO said...


14:22 ... jumped up in front of the Senate Judiciary and charged them all with fraudulent grammar.

I liked that one because it's true. The code is written to deceive you.

persistancepays said...


persistancepays said...


persistancepays said...


persistancepays said...


persistancepays said...


persistancepays said...



persistancepays said...


The secretariat of the NVVN is available for questions about membership administration and finances via info@nvvn.nl. All other questions can be asked to the board of the NVVN that can be reached via the form below.

Do you want to send the NVVN a postal item?
PO Box 97867
2509 GH The Hague

PO Box 97867
2509 GH The Hague


persistancepays said...


at about 22 mins in
sherrifs told him: "weve got to tell you this, somebody wants to hurt you...its out of our hands...."

this guy seems to know his stuff and still faced incredible resistance for the ptb. so even with all his knowledge, he cant win.

forget about it! then the avg person has no shot whatsoever to try these techniques. i mean just look at the long list of 'experts' with this stuff....this guy, kurt, heather, randy, ...on and on it goes....jerry kane they must of told him the same thing...that there going to hurt him...randy weaver...on an on it goes...

persistancepays said...

I spoke with Robert David Steele and he said that he and Trump know all about it and talked at great length about it. However, they do not want to let Russell take over, and refuse to let him lead them. Everything he did is true, just as lain out. His work resulted in a huge smear-campaign against him, and it was all covered up in the MAIL FRAUD PREVENTION ACT. Preventing anyone from ever doing it again. All the same, it DOES NOT dismiss the FACT that HE DID IT. It's just being disavowed.

persistancepays said...




persistancepays said...

more interesting stuff: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izmJIRUeD6s

OMO said...

U.S. threatens the International Criminal Court because they want to investigate their war crimes.


persistancepays said...


OMO said...

Mike Vainio said..."This only proves that the United States have been committed horrible crimes against humanity not only in Afghanistan but all over the world...

Gert Vogalaar said..."Both the US and Israel have committed serious war crimes. They wiped it under the carpet and they are afraid of anybody investigating them. They are so used to impunity."

persistancepays said...

this stuff with 'quantum language' is pretty bizarre. not saying that its not real, just bizarre stuff. the guy seems to really know his stuff. how in the hell long must one study this to know it like that. he says that the bankruptcy ended in 1999. youve got to watch his video. you may even learn something.


persistancepays said...


Horrific Collapse in Iranian Currency. That's why Bitcoin is there now $24,000!!!!!!


persistancepays said...


UCC-1 AMNDMT: https://i-uv.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/UCCGiftReceived-UCC-DC-2012049126.pdf



using 'quantum language'

persistancepays said...

speaking of :JOHN :DOE , :MOOGS can you send me any info of what transpired with kurt?

would you email it to me, :JOE :DOE @gmail.com

persistancepays said...

not really :JOE :DOE, BUT you have the eamil addy named as :JOE :DOE

OMO said...

Subscribe to Lonestar1776

Prisoners who need penpals


The conditions inside prison walls:


OMO said...

Didn't know Doreen Hendrickson went back in prison (now out).


OMO said...

Letter from Schaffer Cox:


OMO said...

The stories told on lonestar1776 I blame on the Federal Reserve System. None of those stories would be have happened had we not a Federal Reserve system.

persistancepays said...


persistancepays said...


FBI Official: FBI Agents Threatened Physical Harm to President Trump In Missing FBI Texts & Other “Frightening” Communications

persistancepays said...




persistancepays said...

wonder if the above is real??? looks real, but.....????

persistancepays said...




9/18/2018 9:52:58 PM



i have been and will be short for the next few days while i handle a broken infected big toe with the united states public health services, “usph” (does medical here at the bop facility…agency sound familiar within fed res relationships, etc., hhhhmmmm???? lol), and bop officers…i will not even expand on the conflicting data and orders at this time.

however, one important point that was over emphasized to all inmates over the last 24 hours, specifically in the form of an offical memo from the warden giving notice of new, and extremely increased penalities for unauthorized contacts and communications, including but not limited to messages to/from/with/using third parties…for example, my emails and calls must be directly with those i have in my contacts list…they are going so far as cross-referencing inmates contacts to see who has the same ones and then asking the contact in common how they came to know the inmates, looking at all books to see if inmates have in common depositors, etc…some girls are very, very, very upset

penalties include, but are not limited to, being thrown in the shoe (isolation), loss of phone/email/video privilages for “at least 18 months”, and $300 fine (up from previous $25 fine), removals of contacts, etc…

this morning, the assistant warden (le masters) said it is national policy, if i am recalling his words correctly…dunno, my toe was killing me, and i was told that i would be written up if i missed orientation to go to the doctor…usphs says i should have gone to the doctor and they would have helped me with getting the writeup cancelled…inmates, saying “yeah right”…mamma mia! ~ cue Pink’s FUN HOUSE 🙂

so keep above in heart, and if you are removed from my contacts list…cue shaggy’s “it wasn’t me” 😉

love you all
and we wrap this the $*!@*$%^& up NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

persistancepays said...

an offical memo from the warden giving notice of new, and extremely increased penalities for unauthorized contacts and communications, including but not limited to messages to/from/with/using third parties…


OMO said...

Prison (and jail) have become a living hell hole. I'm even afraid to write anyone lest I be put on a target list and arrested on trumped-up charges.

persistancepays said...

".....be put on a target list and arrested on Trump charges....


OMO said...

"Trump is president of Burger King, not the Republic." David Hinkson LOLLOLOLOLOLO


OMO said...

13:30 "And you know what? Donald Trump's not even president of the Republic. He's president of Burger King."

OMO said...

Kurt and Scott were given the opportunity to cop a plea deal yet they refused to take it. I think Kurt was offered 8 years but since he refused it was given 24+.


Jane Pauley on the Jean Harris case:

2:10 "That's because many women inmates had the street smarts to cop a plea."

The sentences are getting longer and longer. If she killed the doctor today she probablyt would have been given life w/o parole.

mogel007 said...

Kurt's update:

Jury selected and trial commenced today. like my jury seems first and most obvious place where God's hand has moved. 4 Bible believers and at least one of them is a patriot. government lawyer testified for 3.5 hours today and 15 minutes of Warden. I do cross on him. They are doing all they can to cheat. Couldn't find any of my witnesses except Stephen who is in jail. Everyone else was either denied or conveniently not located. They will do everything they can to advance their fraud and prevent the truth from being revealed. Thank God He is a God of truth and justice. The furnace was definitely stoked 7x hotter today but my Beloved is present. Let's just hope the smell of smoke stays away. Small update. Be blessed. No battle no victory! Got to go before you know.

mogel007 said...

Kurt's update:

Thanks. Is filed in court. Imagine this, they couldn't find any of my witnesses except Stephen who happens to be in jail in NEW YORK. I will speak with him via video at 2:pm tomorrow. He is my only witness. I have to use the vacuum as my theory for the case. Negative instead of positive. Happy with the jury. God's hand was witnessed. Mother testifies tomorrow. Haven't seen her in 6 years. This will be nice though I don't like the circumstances. They are doing all within their power to cheat. Every disadvantage I am suffering. Still I will do the best I can. This was the first time I've seen the 281 offer. This unit makes it impossible to conduct any affairs. I looked at the UCC's in evidence. They were not done correctly. The 310 judgment was filed with the 484 notice. It no longer matters. The danger has passed. If I ever get over this tidal wave I will take care of my own affairs. Faith at its core is accepting God as truth. If you think Him a liar as most do then there is no power since all kingdom power is voice activated by faith saying what it hears from God. All my love. Full day of trial again tomorrow. Government will try to rest by days end. Not sure if that is realistic.

OMO said...

What is the case about? What are they accusing Kurt of now?

mogel007 said...

Kurt put the Warden of the Marion Prison and another employee there into involuntary Chapt. 7 bankruptcy. They are considered by him debtors/defendants on the administrative judgments he claims to have from the World Court in the Netherlands. Since the debt wasn't paid, he put them into bankruptcy so the debt could be possibly satisfied through an asset search of the debtors and an execution on those assets owned by the two employees of the prison. The case revolves around the legitimacy and existence of these World Court judgments, one supposedly signed by Judge Joan E. Donoghue herself. Kurt claims to have 5 judgments in his favor totaling billions of dollars. The basis of these judgments revolve around the illigitimacy of these two CMU prisons, one in Terra Haute Indiana, and one in Marion, Illinois, both run by Black Opps Money, and illegally formed and run by Homeland Security, where he has has resided, and his constitutional rights being violated while there. If Kurt proves these judgments exist and are real , the 4 charges of 2 counts of bankruptcy fraud, and 2 counts of filing false documents are naturally dropped as his actions were justified. If he can't prove the legitimacy or existence of these judgments, then it's likely he may not do as well as he would like, and possibly accrue more time in prison concurrently on his already long sentence.

OMO said...

I have no doubt what Kurt says is true however the so-called Christian jurors could be government plants.

mogel007 said...

Kurt's update on 9/26/2018:

I wish I could say it is going well. The level of a disadvantage the government imposes is beyond human expectation. They have denied me all my witnesses that had any exculpatory evidence. The most important one beside Judge Joan E. Donoghue was Stephen Sherak. He was arrested on Sunday night the night before my trial began. I do not think this a coincidence. The other witnesses they could not find. Again I don't think this is a coincidence either. The furnace is blazing and as impossible as this seems I still have the Lord. They have used their coercive machine to steal the truth. Only the God of truth can deliver me. Fair trial I did not have. Sherak thinks his arrest now makes sense when he discovered I wanted him to testify. He knew nothing of it until I spoke with him 10 minutes before He testified. I could not use him one because he could no long supply documents and two because his lawyer advised him not to testify. He himself is going for a violation hearing in 4 days where he thinks he will get 2 more years. If this is all a conspiracy they are masters of the game. They arrested him just to prevent his testimony and usefulness. They are really scared by my judgments which they know exists and will do all within their power to prevent me possessing them. They know I know how to prosecute my claims so they blockade me from my rights, titles, and interest. If I had any of my witnesses I think this trial would have been a breeze. With none it seems my conviction is imminent. I will go to the Lord in prayer and ready myself for testimony tomorrow. If I don't my goose is already cooked. If I do my chances have been reduced to slim and none. Your prayers would be appreciated. If I get convicted it is not the end of the world but certainly I am right back aty the starting blocks with needing a judgment with no one to help me obtain it except the person who has failed me for 2 years. That's the update. My love to all.

OMO said...

Man banned from his own land for living off-grid.


persistancepays said...

waaaaaaaaaaaay back in 1934 they knew that the FEDRES was no good.


persistancepays said...

On May 23, 1933, Congressman, Louis T. McFadden, brought formal charges against the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Bank system, The Comptroller of the Currency and the Secretary of United States Treasury for numerous criminal acts, including but not limited to, CONSPIRACY, FRAUD, UNLAWFUL CONVERSION, AND TREASON.
The petition for Articles of Impeachment was thereafter referred to the Judiciary Committee and has
So, this ELECTRONIC BOOKLET should be reprinted, reposted,
set up on web pages and circulated far and wide.

OMO said...


And it NEVER WILL BE acted on by the Judiciary Committee. The question is will it last another 105 years? Highly doubtful.

persistancepays said...


wait. just hold your breath.....LOLLOL!!!

mogel007 said...

Kurt's update: 9/27/2018

The trial ended today with a guilty verdict. This was not a surprise based upon the trial I was provided. I did not have a fair trial. I had a government self-authenticating it own narrative. Judge Donoghue could not be found. (Because she would empirically prove my case). An employee who used to work in the CMU who could speak to the criminal acts of staff and who is now a local county sheriff with credibility could not be found because I could not provide enough personal identifiers. The very thing this unit censors us from having. It is a dangerous thing to be right when the government is wrong. I am another repeated example of this. God helped me put together a very honest and truthful record about the realities of this unit. However it will never be believed, and it wasn't by the jury, until my judgment finally shows up. I can never find it and perhaps from this unit never will. The only way I can ever overcome this false conviction is to have the direct-non-circumstantial evidence of the actual certified judgment that created my rights. Until then though I have the right I will never be able to enforce it. Their narrative is a figment of the imagination of a fiction and believed, and mine is the truth of the matter factually by an honest man and not believed. This is the reality of our world today. I had at least four bible reading jurors and still they were snowballed. This does not speak well for God's children. Maybe someday God will allow me to obtain my right and them address their mountain of fraud. I go to sentencing on 1-3-19. I think realistically 5 years is the max I can receive. I will know more later. I have no regrets or pain about this course. A man only has his word or he loses himself. I have kept my integrity regardless of the costs and I am still standing. I would rather stand for something than to fall for anything. Prayers are appreciated but sympathy is not needed. Though the furnace was blazing hot I do not have the smell of smoke upon me. My counselor was present. All that has changed are the circumstances my eyes see but not the realities of God's promise and what my faith knows will come to pass. Another detour perhaps or maybe a direct path of victory straight through the enemy's camp. Time will tell. But I have been trained not to doubt in the darkness what was revealed in the light. Everything created was by God's word. It is the only thing that can be trusted. God has magnified His word even above His great name. He too stands in His integrity. He has not lost Himself. He is my model. I testified today as the sole witness for the defense. I wanted about 8 witnesses but the government had its way of getting rid of all but me. I didn't want to testify and wouldn't have needed to if my witnesses came but in self authenticating fashion we did not have a trial seeking truth, we had a trial persuading a narrative. I could not compete with this persuasion. They never came near the truth. They have to answer to God's for their crimes. I only have to answer for their narrative. God is my witness and my judge and I will stand before Him as a man with his integrity. This is not my justification, that is Christ alone, but this is the fruit of righteousness that He gives to them that are obedient. When I dwell on this some more perhaps some new insights will be given. When they come I will write again soon.

persistancepays said...

so where to now??

OMO said...

Kurt found guilty


persistancepays said...


EMERGENCY REPORT: Signed Executive Orders reveal Trump is planning mass arrests, military tribunals for deep state traitors like Comey, Clinton and Obama – UPDATENatural News) THIS IS A NATIONAL EMERGENCY SPECIAL REPORT As the documents cited here clearly show, President Trump is planning to carry out mass arrests of deep state traitors, including Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, James Comey and even Barack Obama. This is fully covered, with accompanying documentation from the U.S. Federal Register, in the links and video below. (This author is fully supportive of this effort to save America and arrest the traitors.) The confirmation of Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court is the key to getting this done in a timely manner, which explains why the deranged Left is going to such outrageous extremes to fabricate false allegations against Kavanaugh and stage coordinated, well-funded protests to try to block the U.S. Senate from confirming him. Once Kavanaugh is on the court, it will add the necessary support for constitutional “emergency powers” that concentrate power in the executive branch of government (currently headed by President Trump) during times of war and national emergencies. FACT: The United States has been operating under a state of declared war since September, 2001, following the 9/11 attacks. FACT: The United States has been operating under a declared national emergency, signed by President Trump, since December 20, 2017 (see proof document, below). In this detailed video analysis, I lay out the evidence for President Trump’s plan to issue mass arrests of deep state traitors, then try them for treason under military tribunals. This is justified and lawful because the acts being committed against the United States of America by deep state traitors are acts of treason during a time of declared war. It is no coincidence that President Trump has deliberately funded the U.S. Pentagon with its most massive budgets ever conceived. This is because the Pentagon has agreed to run the military arrests of deep state traitors, under the direction of the Commander-In-Chief, President Trump. Get more news like this without being censored: Get the Natural News app for your mobile devices. Enjoy uncensored news, lab test results, videos, podcasts and more. Bypass all the unfair censorship by Google, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. Get your daily news and videos directly from the source! Download here. President Trump, I believe, has decided to go to bat for America and utterly destroy the anti-American deep state crime ring that has been working for years to destroy this nation and end its national sovereignty. This will be Trump’s legacy. He may not even run for re-election after 2020, since his entire plan to arrest the traitors and restore the rule of law in America will require him to step aside once certain goals are accomplished (see detailed explanation below). Note that in order to accomplish this, President Trump will need to declare temporary martial law. (UPDATE: See clarification about “martial law” in the video appended to the end of this article.) He will need our support during this time to maintain order and civility across the nation as the arrests and trials of deep state traitors are under way. We should all expect mass violence and chaos from the Left, which is following the “Rules for Radicals,” a blueprint for communist revolts and violent overthrow attempts of governments. See the documents for yourself… this is all posted on the U.S. Federal Register government website Here are the links to the documents cited in this comprehensive video: Document #1: Executive Order 13818, signed December 20, 2017.

persistancepays said...

“Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption” This document specifically describes the crimes of Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, James Comey and Robert Mueller under the “corruption” section, alluding to the Uranium One scandal and Obama’s multi-billion dollar money laundering operation that handed nuclear weapons capabilities to Iran. It says that the executive order targets, “any foreign person determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State and the Attorney General… to be a current or former government official, or a person acting for or on behalf of such an official, who is responsible for or complicit in, or has directly or indirectly engaged in… corruption, including the misappropriation of state assets, the expropriation of private assets for personal gain, corruption related to government contracts or the extraction of natural resources, or bribery…” This describes precisely what Clinton, Comey, Mueller, Obama, Brennan, McCabe and others carried out under the Obama regime. These are more than just felony federal crimes; they are acts of treason against the United States of America, carried out during a time of declared war.

Dr. Caligari said...

Register Number: 13177-081
Age: 61
Race: White
Sex: Male
Release Date: 12/08/2042
Located At: FCI Terre Haute

mogel007 said...

Again not true, as I have been successful myself in expunging, getting forgiven 2 mortgage notes and interest totalling $330,000 from Chase Bank alone without going to court. My next project is to sue Wells Fargo for millions. Wells I'll F#ck you over, tried 6 times to steal my house in Utah out of court. I beat them 6 times by filing a chapt. 13 bankruptcy. This was just to stop them & buy more time until I could figure out a real lasting solution. At the time I was $56,000 in delinquency according to Wells Fargo and owing $139,000. This was back in 2016. Today in May 2024 not only am I current, but bank says i now owe $36,000 only on a home worth $700,000.

mogel007 said...

Really? I've discharged two mortgages where the bank gave up, released the so called mortgage note debt by reconveying the land/property over to me to the tune of $330,000. Tell me about your victories? None? By the way did your friend lose his house even though you know exactly what to do to get to the bottom of the banks fraud?

mogel007 said...

Testing, one two, three.....

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