Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Phase One

Phase One is now rapidly approaching. It is very important you follow the instructions. I am not going to explain to you the mechanics of how I am accomplishing these payouts. If you don't like it you don't get paid. That is your choice. There will be two ways to work with Phase One.

1. For those of you who file tax returns or expect to in 2008

2. For those of you who do not file taxes or expect to in 2008

I can tell you that I am delighted to finally have arrived at this moment. The delay was as hard on me as any of you. The hearing (last June before Alsup), was all I needed to implement my plan. Judge Alsup was never a threat only a vehicle. I was made aware of this on Dec. 2, 2004. It was his insistence on attempting to destroy me and Dorean with his uncontrolled malice that created the extended delay. I had to let him complete his course. He finished in the June hearing and I began the day after. Regardless of the surface picture, everything has gone perfectly. Our patience will now be rewarded. All Dorean clients need to do is go to and input your data. (Website soon to go live) If you know of clients who have given up, don't read the blog, please contact them and let me know. I will not be posting any new blogs for the near future unless they deal with Phase One issues so that people will remain informed. Go to this link and let's finish our business. I have some bigger things to move on to and you have to get on with your life, with a new and improved belief system. Let me reiterate that these payouts are contractual not emotional. I don't care if you testified at trial, entered negative victim statements, sued me, or was one of the retards on the blog. I said I'd pay you and that is what I must do. No banker or judge can stop me. Only you can stop me now. "Thank you Lord for your mercy, grace, and deliverance. Teach us all through the shame of our unbelief to trust you!" Amen!

UPDATE: We are currently awaiting our SSL certificate so that you can be assured that your private data is protected. This should be issued soon so stay tuned...

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Bride (12-07-08)

Ehp. 5:31 “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife and the two become one flesh.” 32 “This is a great mystery and I am applying it to Christ and the church,” 27 ”so as to present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or anything of the kind – yes, so that she may be holy and without blemish .”

For those of you who know my personal prophecy you’ll recall that there were two prongs. One to be a man sought out for my financial knowledge who would bless the people of God with money and two a marriage counselor. This prophecy is over twenty years old and I have walked in the light of that word all this time. A couple of days ago the light I walked in appeared to be darkness when God unraveled this great mystery spoken above. It is this revelation I choose to share with you.

In my prophesy the financial side seemed predominant. This idea was only enhanced by my divorce from Dana, the wife it was spoken over. I continued in faith with the suspicion that the marriage side was suspended by the lack of faith of my partner and that the financial part was in tact because my faith could alone see it come to pass. This was logical to me since marriage is not something one can do alone. Also divorce did not seem like the best qualification for a marriage counselor. Well I got married again and I began to suspect that my new wife could be grafted into the promise and that the marriage ministry could be reborn. Unfortunately my wife known to you as “happy Jack” was not too happy about it. Again I was resigned to a one prong ministry. As faith would have it this marriage ended in divorce.

Now I know God keeps His word but was He obligated to keep the marriage prong when my bride would have nothing of it? I didn’t think so. I know the scripture about the promises of God being irrevocable but didn’t think it applicable in this free-will scenario. I’ve learned this foolish.

I’ve married again and this wife delights in God’s promises even under severe trial. Suddenly this prong seems like it will come to pass. I know two divorces would not be the normal course but even Christ took this path. Here is how the mystery unfolded for me.

There is a type of lesson where Jesus is the second Adam. A lot can be learned from this examination but I would have to say it is not wholly true. Sure He was God’s man to restore all to God what Adam forfeited. He was human, subject to sin, a living soul with independent free will etc. I went into a further examination. In John 1:30 John the Baptist testifies “After me comes a man who ranks ahead of me because he was before me.” Surely this is true of Adam also. What was the nature of Christ before Adam? As I scanned all my knowledge on this subject I found some clues in the creation story. There is a term “prevenient grace” which alludes to God having the redemption plan in place prior to creation as a contingent of the possibility of sin and death. Was redemption the plan of God as the result or the means? The mystery to me is that Christ created man by His word symbolized in type by Adams loss of rib for the same reason alluded to for Adam. Speaking of Christ “it is not good for man to be alone; I will make him a helper as his partner.” (Gen 2:18) Redemption was a means to ultimately create the Bride. Ephesian says that we were called before the foundation of the world for His good pleasure. Christ ultimately left His estate and His Father for His bride. This entire show, all that we know as existence is to present the bride to the groom. If this be true I asked myself how can the financial side be primary and the marriage part possibly be voided? This would be out of character. Now it is obvious that blessing the people of God with money is a wedding gift secondary to the marriage prong. Again this is reiterated in that Eve was created before the fall. Redemption though a prevenient measure was a means to cure the breach of death that stained the bride while at the same time using death as the remedy. This was symbolized by Adam’s sleep for Eve’s creation. His sleep was not for her sin but for her existence. This put a whole new light on Christ and His work.

Symbolically here Eve was not a moral failure but innocent. Adam in type had to die to create the church. Death became the vehicle to create the bride and to remove the stain of death from her garments. If you can see and understand that this whole God-man relationship was for love of the bride then every story in God’s word will take on new importance. God’s first act after sin was to prophesy the groom and to cover through death with a new garment. Everything points to the wedding. Of course the wedding parable becomes more clear. I will say that Christ was the first and third Adam and that the second Adam was only a shadow and type used to bridge the gap between “After me comes a man who ranks ahead of me because he was before me.”

How foolish of me to think my marriage prong was suspended. It is the eternal truth. What more could be at the center of our Lord’s heart. Sure Dorean is a financial blessing ultimately but more importantly it was for the perfection of the bride for the wedding. The Body of Christ is not the individual redeemed but the redeemed corporate or collective working to the glory of our groom, “to present the church to himself in splendor.” Suddenly it makes sense why in my individual suffering I had to rely upon other parts of the body. Dorean is more about the bride than the wedding gift of finances.

Fortunate for me God’s promises are not revocable. I did obtain a bride who teaches me in microcosm what a great work Christ has done in macrocosm. As I would give all to bless her Christ has done all the more. Please ponder your status in the bride and what love has been lavished upon you and by whom. This is my problem with the retards, they have no consciousness of the wedding plans and no respect for the bride. If I would punch them in the mouth for such insults to my bride what is Christ entitled to do? Sure He has grace but try an obtain it without repentance. Think you’ll be at the wedding? In what esteem do you hold His bride. He makes it obvious in what esteem He holds her.

As much as I would like to give you a financial wedding gift Dorean for me is more about my primary interest which is to see your marriage. As Christ did not let my marriage promise fall to the dust, as He insisted even through divorce and trial to nurture our union, He does more for you. I wager my life that the gift that is Dorean was set before the foundations of this world at this time to be revealed as an endowment for His bride. I have a personal prophecy that has come true as a proof text in microcosm what He has done for you in macrocosm.

When I finish with prison I am going to have a tremendous wedding celebration where I showoff my faithful bride. Something tells me Christ is ahead of me on His plans. I respect His bride and in you I see all the splendor of the groom. “Lord deliver the gift Dorean to your lovely bride. Do not let the financial promise though secondary fall short anymore than you allowed the marriage promise to fall short. Your bride, your love, your splendor, lavish gifts upon her Lord.” I could take this truth an show you its theme in every prophecy, but lack the venue. Do the study yourself and you will discover that the light you have walked in is like darkness.

Phase one will repost tomorrow. Marriage celebrations are long and phase one is very near the beginning.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Phase One

Phase One is now rapidly approaching. It is very important you follow the instructions. I am not going to explain to you the mechanics of how I am accomplishing these payouts. If you don't like it you don't get paid. That is your choice. There will be two ways to work with Phase One.

1. For those of you who file tax returns or expect to in 2008

2. For those of you who do not file taxes or expect to in 2008

I can tell you that I am delighted to finally have arrived at this moment. The delay was as hard on me as any of you. The hearing (last June before Alsup), was all I needed to implement my plan. Judge Alsup was never a threat only a vehicle. I was made aware of this on Dec. 2, 2004. It was his insistence on attempting to destroy me and Dorean with his uncontrolled malice that created the extended delay. I had to let him complete his course. He finished in the June hearing and I began the day after. Regardless of the surface picture, everything has gone perfectly. Our patience will now be rewarded. All Dorean clients need to do is go to and input your data. (Website soon to go live) If you know of clients who have given up, don't read the blog, please contact them and let me know. I will not be posting any new blogs for the near future unless they deal with Phase One issues so that people will remain informed. Go to this link and let's finish our business. I have some bigger things to move on to and you have to get on with your life, with a new and improved belief system. Let me reiterate that these payouts are contractual not emotional. I don't care if you testified at trial, entered negative victim statements, sued me, or was one of the retards on the blog. I said I'd pay you and that is what I must do. No banker or judge can stop me. Only you can stop me now. "Thank you Lord for your mercy, grace, and deliverance. Teach us all through the shame of our unbelief to trust you!" Amen!

UPDATE: We are currently awaiting our SSL certificate so that you can be assured that your private data is protected. This should be issued within the next 5 business days so stay tuned...

Monday, December 15, 2008

Herlong – He Longer (12-04-08)

Today I entered into a new territory. December 3rd was the day that equaled my first incarceration. It appears this journey is exceeding my preparatory work. There is a truth that remains and part of my fight with the retards. The gospel message is not one of the renewal of man but rather his death and recreation. I recently went through an exercise where I was tracking on a whisper I heard pass through my spirit. It led me to a conclusion though I’ll admit I never received an “Amen.” I did wrestle and reason that this whisper was from God. Once I came to this understanding my faith had to attach. The one drawback in my confidence was the lack of “Amen.” Now those of you who are sons, joint heirs with Christ know the confidence of the relationship. Even at a whisper God’s voice can be trusted. I struggled with God on why a whisper and why no “Amen.” When it was all said and done it was revealed to me as an exercise in dependence. This is the age old battle and for this reason will always remain fresh. Adam in the garden was provided choice by God’s proximitry placement of two fruit bearing trees before him. One was a tree of life that by its nature would leave Adam innocent and dependent. The other was the tree of knowledge of good and evil which would open to Adam a human life of a base understanding at the expense of life. He could be independent but must now die since the choice and the trees were mutually exclusive. Living by the spirit today eating of the fruit which is Christ does take away our ability to make certain choices in that we are now a body dependent on the head. The alternative is independence with a certain ethical calculator with the exclusion of Christ. This independent spirit like our forefather’s is preceded by the whisper of temptation. How easily I have submitted to this whisper. Now because the temptation whisper caters to my independence I offer no argument. The whisper of God forces me to be dependent because of the uncertainty inherent to my knowledge. Yet as a son I must ask myself how come I am not so easily moved by God’s whisper. As a son I want to be dependent on my Father. Though these lessons are hard because one wants to look at oneself when uncertainty is a reality this is a whisper of a temptation that must be avoided. Christ will keep you in His way and these trials are evidence. He is constantly pruning that independent spirit. One should look to the tree of life and not their knowledge of good and evil to solve the confusion. Was this not the story (personal) of Jonah? He even as a prophet still needed to be dependent on God. With the great fish deliverance he still got mad over the worm eaten bush. Maturity is not some moment you hit in time but a time for all times. Make the choice of life. It could mean financial ruin, loss of everything treasured, mockery and the like but it still is life. If you analyse the retards they are full of their knowledge. They don’t have to depend on God to judge me or Dorean they already have a working knowledge of good and evil. They delight in those who share their idea and condemn those that don’t. No one can rebuke them for promoting another gospel than the true one because they have God as an appendage in their independence. They are convinced the old man can be improved with a little polish until he is a good guy. Christ is a good guy, even a perfect model. Death is the part of the equation they can’t accept because they know they are too good for that. There is a difference in my confidence and theirs. Even in my lack of confidence my hope is certain in that my eyes are fixed on Christ. I can boldly state that Dorean was of God, not because it was good or bad but because its origin came out of our relationship. Retards cannot know what I know because when they chose the knowledge of good and evil they were banned from the tree of life. Those were the rules to Adam and remain intact today. You have never heard me profess perfection or merit only dependence. Scott and I were given a trust in Christ to use our lives for His service. This is how we were trained not to assert ourselves in your trust. Not one soul has ever testified we abused our trustee position. Though my trials continue longer than my prior experience my dependence on Christ is the best virtue I can offer to the clients. Independence would have me look out for Kurt, take a deal, even betray friends and clients. Dependence has me patiently enduring until the one I’m depending upon is finished. What is He waiting for? You’ll have to have a relationship with Him to get this answer. Phase one will repost tomorrow.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Phase One

Phase One is now rapidly approaching. It is very important you follow the instructions. I am not going to explain to you the mechanics of how I am accomplishing these payouts. If you don't like it you don't get paid. That is your choice. There will be two ways to work with Phase One.

1. For those of you who file tax returns or expect to in 2008

2. For those of you who do not file taxes or expect to in 2008

I can tell you that I am delighted to finally have arrived at this moment. The delay was as hard on me as any of you. The hearing (last June before Alsup), was all I needed to implement my plan. Judge Alsup was never a threat only a vehicle. I was made aware of this on Dec. 2, 2004. It was his insistence on attempting to destroy me and Dorean with his uncontrolled malice that created the extended delay. I had to let him complete his course. He finished in the June hearing and I began the day after. Regardless of the surface picture, everything has gone perfectly. Our patience will now be rewarded. All Dorean clients need to do is go to and input your data. (Website soon to go live) If you know of clients who have given up, don't read the blog, please contact them and let me know. I will not be posting any new blogs for the near future unless they deal with Phase One issues so that people will remain informed. Go to this link and let's finish our business. I have some bigger things to move on to and you have to get on with your life, with a new and improved belief system. Let me reiterate that these payouts are contractual not emotional. I don't care if you testified at trial, entered negative victim statements, sued me, or was one of the retards on the blog. I said I'd pay you and that is what I must do. No banker or judge can stop me. Only you can stop me now. "Thank you Lord for your mercy, grace, and deliverance. Teach us all through the shame of our unbelief to trust you!" Amen!

UPDATE: We are currently awaiting our SSL certificate so that you can be assured that your private data is protected. This should be issued within the next 5 business days so stay tuned...

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Thanks Given (11-23-08)

We are experiencing technical difficulties. Our intention was to post Phase One over a week ago. We will post Phase One when all elements are in place. The below blog was written not knowing of the obstacles before us.


Thanksgiving will have passed by the time this posts. It is my favorite holiday because I think it is the only holiday with any honesty inherent within it. Of course everyday for the saint is Thanksgiving which is why the holiday is honest. As I ponder all the great things the Lord has lavished upon me my heart is jubilant. This season has some great moments. My wife and I are more united in our faith and God's promise than ever. Phase One is final up and running. Though it has been a difficult process to initiate from here the Lord has made a way in His timing. His timing is probably the most grading on my soul but when one comes to the knowledge of its perfection thanksgiving will burst forth. There is a changing of the guard and I think this new crop has evil plans for us. This is not to say the old guard was any better intentioned. What delights me about what I see on the horizon is that God's plans are baffling the wolves. Christ will make these wolves good shepherds against their nature. I see Christ setting up his enemies to be His tools of deliverance. He is confounding them and than He will send His counsels to guide them. In the scriptures you can see the same scenario in the Absolom Putsch. Let our hearts be full of thanksgiving and our lips filled with prayer.

My father shared with me a story from a client who bore much shame for his Dorean choices. Out of these difficulties God used the Dorean process and my testimony of Christ to lead him into the kingdom. Not only himself but his father before he passed. This is eternal benefit out of temporal suffering. This is worthy of the highest thanksgiving. You retards will never know this but then thanksgiving is a place of honesty that precludes you. If I perish and burn has my reward not been great with this eternal gift? If all heaven rejoices at the repentance of one sinner how can my joy not be full?

Do not fret God is a giver! I am reminded of Elijah who wanted to give a gift to the family that gave him residence. He noticed they had no children. If he can notice the lack in their life and move God to bless them how much more will Christ our mediator move God to notice our lack? God has heard our prayers and this nation will turn not on the evil plans of men but your faith and God's gifts.

Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

This will only post for a day then phase One will repost. Thanks!