Monday, June 26, 2006

Safety of Constitution

President Bush is pushing for a constitutional amendment on marriage. Says it will protect the institution from activist judges who want to redefine it. The whole subject is silly. Marriage is an institution of property right and contracting for the benefit of procreation. This can’t be redefined since it is inherent in the specie by natural law and its creator. Call marriage man and man and in one generation that foolish notion is dead. These fools have to go outside their contract to obtain the benefit of others who are not as stupid. Marriage to them is an unyielding contract incomplete in itself. What a monumental waste of energy on both sides of the argument. Regardless the subtle point is resounding. The constitution is a protection from judge, and politicians. That is why it must be kept out of our courts today except under strict contract terms. Under the constitution all of your rights are static but if I can move them all to an exemption now they must be asserted or lost. The right should assert itself by the oath of the servants taking office. They should be the one’s asserting them and defending us. This switch is evil, intended, and funded by men who knew the difference. Pay attention the remedies they speak of because they think you so stupid they no longer guard their words. The constitution still defends me against Judge Alsup if I can win the battle of its pre-eminence in the Court TV drama known as CR-05-00611-WHA. These guys are pros at the form and substance shuffle.


WillToFight said...

Yeah Mogel

We are in big trouble if we do not protect the constitution from these Fascist!

Bush calls it a "Gd peice of paper"!

Oksurewhynot what is you education level!

Do you read at all? Or are you one of those comody central 24/7 watchers that knows nothing of significant issues happen about this country?

You sound like an eight year old!

WillToFight said...

Like T. Jefferson Said paraphrase for NemoFascist!

T. Jefferson received a letter from a friend question how they could keep dis honorable men from running for public office or infiltrating the judicary.

T. Jefferson replied that he was not concerned about dishonorable men, that the constitution and the bill of rights is our protection from corrupt politicians or the judicary!

Can anyone answer, What is the duty of a Citizen?

WillToFight said...

Fruity On...

Matt. 6:19-21

Tell that the Jerry Falwell or Pat Roberson and the other power brokers out there in T.V. land making millions off of old ladies and unsuspecting individuals who fund them.

I just know you write them everyday begging and pleading with them to stop frauding the public?

KYHOOYA said...

Hey Yoou.. Hoo! Where are you!

Ohhh.. Neo come out! come out! Where ever you are...

What's the matter Neo are you researching your answer's the my questions or are just waiting to post one of those great little come back phrases like

("Idon't even read your shit,Ijust scroll right by")

You know the kind where you don't have anything that is close to a real comment so you have to post those instead.
that just go's to show you what kind of backing you and your posting's are made from.
I have an idea maybe you can see if you can come up with my personal info and try posting that to get me to go away. or maybe youthink you can bully me into thinking your way, Not a chance I can't get that dumb even if I eat all the lead paint in This Old House Ya know what I'm saying Neo ?

I think it's time you click your heels together and wake the )(*& up cus you ant in OZ and your backing the melting of the Bill of rights by the less that honorable Judge Alsoupy you know that little 4th ad. that go something like "you have the right to a speedy trial and fair treatment.

Hey Yoou.. Hoo! Where are you!

Ohhh.. Neo come out! come out! Where ever you are...

What's the matter Neo are you researching your answer's the my questions or are just waiting to post one of those great little come back phrases like

("Idon't even read your shit,Ijust scroll right by")

You know the kind where you don't have anything that is close to a real comment so you have to post those instead.
that just go's to show you what kind of backing you and your posting's are made from.
I have an idea maybe you can see if you can come up with my personal info and try posting that to get me to go away. or maybe youthink you can bully me into thinking your way, Not a chance I can't get that dumb even if I eat all the lead paint in This Old House Ya know what I'm saying Neo ?

I think it's time you click your heels together and wake the )(*& up cus you ant in OZ and your backing the melting of the Bill of rights by the less that honorable Judge Alsoupy you know that little 4th ad. that go something like "you have the right to a speedy trial and fair treatment.

From what I can see so far there has been anything but that. I for one can't put aside that the fact that this judicial system we are seeing unfold is so unjudicial & unjust by the facts! They held these guys for nearly 9 mo. noeal charges (even if ther was they can't hold you for that pirod of time and then say oh well were not going to do anything now but here's a ticket for a flight back to CA, with no due process and with what is very easy to see was nothing more than there way of side steping there RIGHT by not follow the law but making it up as they need it to be so they could get these guy closed down and hopefully the'll go away but they didn't nope they got louder. so after getting these guy shut down by any way they could fines to legal councel restaining order fromno where without the chance of defending theself from there placement at all. "nope that's how's we do it out here in the west" "Bailifth get me a rope it's time for real court T.V. and thjat altime favrite Judge old Crazy Alsoupy give it to him hill eat op's I mean hell hang anyone or thing sqieeel as the show pick up from last week resumse we find the old Judgestrung up thatold family pig he was seen with in the barn haveing sexual relation but of course it was in the the upmost judicial way you could do such a thing but the pig has to go if he's to set therecord straight to his side of the dstory cus that pig's still sqeeling froom it all now THAT"S THE LAW as give out by old honeration of a highj arky judge judy west alsoupy from the northern dist. of Ca, and ruler of alllhe say he is.

come on Neo way don't you answer the question so I can stop these rambblings come on shut me up with the fact's that tell adifferent story .

and they say that there's no law out west, showed them.

You know there 's about 5 more pages to just get started with about allthe mis use of power and how the law is being over looked in the site of justasss as they would have you think. but you no what Neo and Justass and the rst that what you like me to do is waste all my time typing for youawhen you not going to answer shit cus there is no answer other that the one we all no to be thetruth and that is that these guy are getting the shaft and the banks and the legal system are behind it in one way or another and you just arn't worth it.

I just end with this if you can't come up with afew answers to my febbele minded question than hey what is the point of giving the time of day should just get my big rubber stamp out and inked up thatsay disregard ,nomind , pastover , shitfor brains cus that is what your post will be worth if ytou have that chose in mind .

so l8r q8^}>~x====\/

I'll wait for your reply but don't go posting anything eles now

I would hope everyone is in the like minded thinking about this guy and the rest as I under tand that the debait is a hard one to over look and I sure don't mind getting my point heard from time to time

(or everytime I get those mix up all the time) but this bull has to come to a stop smoewhere and these guy are full of it and are here to waste are time away from other thing that could bre helping the cause. like leter to the editor you get my point ?

so here it is.. that what I got anyone eles will. Imbigo, sol. and the rest what do you think about this direction. and the neolightless out here like justass and tin cup and the rst I have yet hear anything of anything that has substance/ so let just shut them down people like neo that go take personal info when they get corrnered are scum anyway and who no's ahat els they would be will ing to do if stumpe d. That being all the time it like a bomb waiting to go off ..

see ya got a run let's see what you think we keep trying something like this but they keep dragging us back in time to say by by

WillToFight said...


neodemes said...
