Saturday, July 16, 2005

A world of pansies

It appears to me that people function from a simple ideology that "Good things happen to good people", "If you're meeting resistance you must be wrong", "I'm from the government I'm here to help". Anyone who has contented with truth in any field of life will tell you that it has always cost them a battle and a test of courage. It is a world of pansies that thinks truth resides on the flowery path where all the senses are carressed with satisfaction. Even some of my clients think that they can pass off personal accountablity and resonsibilty for their own wellbeing for the thousand dollar fee we charge. It is not by accident that we as a people have fallen prey to this nightmare of theft. Pansies can't resist a stiff wind how can they protect against the onslought of greed? You have two champions that is true but your ideology is what you live with and die with. We weren't born with this knowledge and obtained it in normal fashion of study. Who among you can't read, write, listen, or watch? Do the homework and help us help you. To that end our disclosure page with legal training will be up in about 10 days, stay in touch!


~~The Swami~~~ said...

I've never really read much of the Quatloos web site until today,however,I bet there hasn't been that much leg humping, butt kissing, and finger licking since the Village People were on tour with free whip cream night!!!!!!!! Lickfest 2005 is alive and well.......and it's over at Quatloos!

Whistleblower said...
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Whistleblower said...

I do not offer my services to the public I only wholesale it to retailers who have contracted with me. I only put those numbers in to clear up the notion that I was getting every dollar collected for my services. I have not set the market price nor see any shortage of those willing to pay it. I set my price at the bare minimum it would take to cover my expenses. Of course that does not cover the 6 million dollars of debt I personally took on to start the company.