Thursday, May 18, 2006

The Big Picture (5/4/06)

This will take a little while so bear with me. I am now convinced that even if I disclose to the evil cabal (the bankers and their 3 purchased branches of government) the clever trap God has laid for them and told them how many steps, the type of trap, and the eminent peril, they would be by nature unable to change their cadence and walk right into it. Therefore I will disclose.

At the forming of the Federal Reserve Americans were rich in all manner of wealth from an unimpeded industrial revolution. Thanks almost solely on the sacrificial efforts of President Andrew Jackson. The first manner of business of this new euphoric endless checkbook cartel was to fund WWI. The logic was two-fold, one foreign and one domestic. Domestically 90% of the working class was self-employed. Not good for centralization and control. Foreign agenda was to use the power of the US to break the bank as it were of the other industrial powers and created centralization globally. Great corporations were created by the war effort and employment was encouraged. After the war victory and her spoils were amplified by a flood of inflationary cash. Equities skyrocketed and the individual businessman came under two deadly pressures. He could not compete with the corporations (controlled and legislatively encouraged) return on investment and their great liquidity to purchase him and his competitors. They are successfully moving wealth to a smaller group of privileged, controlled fictitious entities. A perfect setup for an equity confiscation or depression, by the withdrawal of cash from the addicted masses. Under this pressure Government passed socialistic legislation and further destroyed independence. It was now time to fake success of these policies and encourage the people with cash. This time though we’ll disguise the equity run up and transfer of wealth to a smaller group under a war effort. Man can no longer support his family and keep up with the greed so we must encourage 2 worker families. Patriotism is a good motivator. Let’s create a Rosey the Riveter campaign. After the war employment was established over running your own business. Now Gold gas been confiscated, equities depleted, ingenuity centralized and law has been perverted. The all American dream of home ownership is still intact though not on a solitary income. Education chimes in here with the creation of preschools, amoral philosophies, and get a job college degreed dogma. The home equity now falls mainly in their sights. There is still some cash about and this nest egg. The parents of the baby boomers are too conscrevative and less susceptible to propaganda since they lacked education and media exposure. We will set up these boomers. Changing tax incentives to consolidate debt and to borrow home equity plus creating IRA’s, 401K’s, and Keogh’s with easy ingress and egress to capture all the cash. Tighten up the egress and tie it almost exclusively to home equity and this nest egg is under constant assault. Finally I deflate the dollar, crash equities and chase the last liquid wealth into the home. Now for the grab. Inflate prices by importing cash from inflated foreign investors who have no other vehicle that can keep pace with their depreciating dollar accounts. Elevate the dollar, raise interest rates, foreign investors now hold verses spending or investing, crash other safe haven alternatives like the Euro, foreclose on homes and the great land grab is complete. It’s been done first in agriculture, then industry, you’re next.

Now here’s the brilliance of God’s plan. I would say another two years of the current fed policy should really tighten their noose. They have been funneling wealth to this narrow area for decades with full intention of this grab. Here comes divine wisdom through many at this time and aggressively through Dorean to release this wealth through a trap door before the grab. Their own UCC set them up. TILA and FDCPA were to give them minimum punishment in their unlawful aggression and to put a good face on their purchased agents. God took two men below their radar and outside their ideas of danger and provided an exit. The future is the good part. This wealth not being stolen at this time will greatly affect the economy to the positive. Fannie Mae will crumble under the exposure of their giant pansy scheme that had no equity behind their securities. The entire 3 trillion dollar booty set aside for their master is returned to the people. The people who are now full-fledged addicted consumers will go on a spending spree and their policy of high dollar will give us the greatest banG for our buck. They will drive the dollar even higher to absorb this winfall and to recoup their losses from Europe. High dollar and low Euro drives dollars into their markets to purchase their wealth at discount. Europe will have a great recession and this will cause greater division between the US and Britain and them. They will vote Great Britain out of the Union. Enjoy the decade of prosperity headed your way but remember just because they made Europe pay for your debt they have not forgot about you and will turn with fierceness again. The Arab nations will see sinking oil prices and political clout. They will form a 10 Nation union to bolster their market and position. As you can see God is very clever. This has been a mere summary since one could go through legislation, Executive Order, Judicial Opinions and line them up with the corresponding fed policy to truly understand the coordinated effort to corral the people and their wealth into the slaughter pen. Thank God for His mercy and divine intervention for without it we didn’t have a chance. I wrote the future less for you but more to expose to the enemy that what they discuss and plot in secret God declares openly. Even this will not instill any humility or fear. They will continue unimpeded to the plan God has for them because He controls the minds and hearts of men. Oh my $3,000, what about me? Petty Petty Petty. What about you in the big picture? Figure it out! I know what I have to do and when to do it. Then maybe the blind fruit inspector will get a revelation of the real God. Probably not; can a pear tree yield figs? It’s all about the root! I will not comment on the big picture again until I am outside to share with you the many opportunities available to you in this. I hope this snapshot encourages you faithers and offends the ignorant while informing the enemy the shame of their secrets.


WillToFight said...

Kurt Said.....

I hope this snapshot encourages you faithers and offends the ignorant while informing the enemy the shame of their secrets.

To the Good Fight!

WillToFight said...

Kurt said...

Elevate the dollar, raise interest rates, foreign investors now hold verses spending or investing, crash other safe haven alternatives like the Euro, foreclose on homes and the great land grab is complete.

It’s been done first in agriculture, then industry, you’re next.


The last sentence is exactly what the naysayers don't get. They think they're safe!

WillToFight said...

I've been following info just about these type things!

Thanks for the post

Complainers suck!

son of a prophet said...



from yesterday; so the only differeence beetween the dg process and the other two is that the dg doesnt pay them with frannies and the other two do?

the result is the same for the borrwoer, tho right? he isnt held responsible for the debt any longer?

but the dg goes one step furhter and also get them a settelemtn too?


"They will vote Great Britain out of the Union. Enjoy the decade of prosperity headed your way but remember just because they made Europe pay for your debt they have not forgot about you and will turn with fierceness again"


could england be one of the 3 kingdoms "pulled up from its roots" (conquered by the roman empire) by the "BEAST" in the book of revelation?

if what kurt siad is true, then it probably is. wonder who the other kingdoms are?? any guesses?

son of a prophet said...

oh, and i almost forgot.....

"they have not forgot about you and will turn with fierceness again"........

you can count on the beast (devil) coming after you with a vengeance....after all, this is his kingdom and he really hates losing, especially HOME games in his own kingdom. you can count on taht he will spend much, much time in the vidoetape room wathcing the films looking for weakness in the opponents defense and you can also count on he will be signing up some new 'free agents' (more vicious lying proscutoers, fed agents) who will be meaner and leaner the next game and more vicoius and cunning. isnt this what all team owners do when they lose, sing up better players? no difference here...

i suggest that after you all get you settlements, that you all spend some time in prayer as the freedom fighter will not be able to help you any more, but there is only One who can at that point.

give them the well deserved congrats and now go into the cave and spend quiet time and pray with the only One that can help you now, that you be protected from the evil one in the certainly coming rematch in round II.

the freedom fighters have done their job, now you must do yours.

habakkuk said...

SOP said...

"you can count on the beast (devil) coming after you with a vengeance....after all, this is his kingdom and he really hates losing, especially HOME games in his own kingdom. you can count on taht he will spend much, much time in the vidoetape room wathcing the films looking for weakness in the opponents defense and you can also count on he will be signing up some new 'free agents' (more vicious lying proscutoers, fed agents) who will be meaner and leaner the next game and more vicoius and cunning. isnt this what all team owners do when they lose, sing up better players? no difference here..."

I believe this is true...Thats why the WORD tells us to "be sober and vigilant because the enemy seeks whom he may devour". Don't get lulled to sleep when you got a big fat bank account and all your bills are paid. We're still at war folks.

gr82bmoi said...

“God took two men below their radar and outside their ideas of danger and provided an exit.”

Clearly, this man is suffering from a serious case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Diagnosis is indicated by the presence of five or more of the following:

1. has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)

2. is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love

3. believes that he is "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)

4. requires excessive admiration

5. has a sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations

6. is interpersonally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends

7. lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others

8. is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her

9. shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes

KYHOOYA said...

oksurewhynot said...
Has anyone seen the psychiatric report that was discussed in court? What did they come up with?

Yep it said tha the dear Judge Alsoupy is the one that is 51/50.

He never thought that Kurt or Scott were crazy in the first place.
He ordered it to cover his ass for the future court Room B.S. & to try and justify his unlawful, umbiasssss, future act's, because he know's that everyone would look at what his going to do and say that it was'nt right and that he was'nt being fair ect. ect.

He about to do thing that he knows are not right and it will show BIG TIME!
With the eyes on this case so he is trying to find away to make it look as if what he's doing is because Kurt & scott are "Crazy" and so he had to make his judgement's based on that no matter what is done

You get it?


but no one said they were


This is just one of many tricks to come from the corp-up-itt.
They will do anything illegal or wrong they don't care.

KYHOOYA said...

The fact that there are so many people that are watching what is taking place with this case is the only thing that has stop them from railroading these guy up to this point.

That is why they come on here to test the water to see just how many are looking to try and get them to change there mind by filling it with all the B.S. that they use everyday to do the programing of you.

That word right there PROGRAM is one word that set's everyone off to.
Think about it everytime you have started to talk to someone about this or try to get them to understand anything "OUT OF THE BOX"
how long into the process is it before they get that LOOK you know the one where you just crossed the line from interesting to useing those word that the PTB have set up as the words "Fanatic" or "Radical" that will make you out to be the crazy one.

For my self it's about 10 min into the topic before that happens. After that it's no use o talk any more. so I move one it's funny I will just change up the topic that I'm talking to them about and go from night to day and they don't even notice that we are talking about something eles all together. the other half get it but think it's no use to try and change it's the old programing ("What can I do to make them change I'm just one person")

That statment right there is what is the BIG problem in this country no one stand's up or very few that do have to have so much backing them to try or the PTB will roll right over them so you all should be thanking these two guy's for what they are doing as on STANDING UP the rest of the B.S. from the naysayers or plants from the GOV. are just the ones' that don't stand or are doing the bidding of the POWER that will crush any hope from someone that try's to come after them.

Shit take a good long look at Dan Rathers and what he has to say about the topic. I will share the one line from a BBC radio show.
He was asked about the little blow-up with a story he went with about Bush jr. and was just about casterated for it (He was set up on this one for sure) this guy is a watergate vet in the feild News guy and you don't get there just shoting off your mouth without checking your facts and he did but when your st up your setup and if it's done right or by the Bush family you better grab your tail and run I geuss. Dan R. said in the interview that "If I try and report the news they will linch me" them being the PTB or Bush ect. he was kucky to get to end his 20 + years as a news man by going out nice and quiet and not getting fired for that one story.

Let's see 20+ years and you help with the watergate/ Nixon cover up story and one fuck up and you have to quit your carrer or face the rathof public deballing Sure that seems fair.
Maybe he went up before the good old boy's club of Judges like ALsuppy and the rest and said "I'm to old to get into this shit again"

Who blams the guy the fact is even just 20 30 year ago there was still some poeple around here with some Ball's to stand up and fight. Now it look's like a waste land of pussys not willing to get them selfs into it for fear that they might.... well you getwhat I'm saying if not oh well ...

Hey Kurt & Scott: Keep it up it's working and thanks for standing up. It has not gone without notice and is most certainly show your backbone.

Thanks again

just keep it up and watch them run ther going to have to or what brake all the rule to not

everyone tell people you no to come on here or about waht the fuck is going on around them even if they don't get it they will see a little more then they did before you r said anything to them.
I just talk to them in till I see that glassy look in there eye's or just before and tell them a few places to go and read about it the fact is that americans are a product of the PTB to make them /us stupid and it's been working it's time to get that poer in NUmbers thing going. or they win thats all there is to it.

If you don't have a good reason to tell some one or to get yourself into this game than try doing it for someone eles to have it better than you have or anything at all justget in to it and tell people at the store well there bagging your styff, at the family get together, the custmer serv. rep when your trying to fix yet another fuck up on one of the card acct. you have (tell me that you don't spent at a min. 1 hr. on the phone doing this)

You no the funny thing is that when I'm talking to some cust rep. and I will say something like "we all no what is the right thing and that the fees that your bank thewr is chargeing are wrong " I get more than not the person saying that they agree with me but in a way as to not say it so that BIG BROTHER can here them.

The next time when you call cust.service ask that they not record you call as they do always now oh and one thjing for you to no everytime you call a 1-8000 1-877 or anything like those they pull up your phione number and log it even if it is block or unlisted or such and as yopu may see there is no other number for you to ccall is there. they will use hese to find you if they need to in the futuree if you dont pay on time

Hey I'm still tryiong to find out haw and why MBNA called my brother who has never had a thing to do with that acct. or any of my acct. I don't even no how they found him as my brother I never used him as a refer. or anylink to that acct. the only thing that I can think is he put me as a refer. on his acct. at some point and they cross referanced it then call ed them to try and find me when I miss a payment or two (be nice if they were that dilagent when it come to fixing there mistakes and then I would'nt be not paying them to get them to take notice to my acct and fix it)

well that's a mouth full and I got to run sorry fro the going on and such but you all are use to tha from me any way right?


son of a prophet said...


"The next time when you call cust.service ask that they not record you call as they do always now oh and...."

that is the best one....'your call is being montored for quality assurance purposes....'

right! what are they monitoring? the quality of the persons voice?

why not thay just say that 'you call is being monitoerd by the NSA to see if you a terrorist, then you can be hired by the govt. and come work fo us...."


KYHOOYA said...

Kurt & Scott

Your doing a great job and your efforts are noticed and I thank you for them


They can't beat everyone ond won't do those underhanded thing to win when there are lots of eyes watching them.

You all should see by now thatthe only reason that the PTB have not rolled over these guys and done what they have with so many others is the fact that there are to many people that are watching them and they can't do it with out us seeing it.

I mean look at Erwin S. and there were some but not that many that new about him and his fight. but even with a few he got the shaft and it was a big pile of shit too. if youdon't no here you go just one thing.
How in the hell is it that a judge tewlls someonre the is defending them selfs in a jurycase that they have to write down everything they want to ask and then give it to the judge and he will read it and then tell Erwin S. what he get's to ask as question in front of the jury. that has got to be the biggest bunch of horse shit I have ever seen come out of a so called fair jury trial in this the se United States of America.
How could anyone get a fair trial whit that shit yet it happened right in plane site or is that PLANE site as in 911/pend.crash tape
you no that old line that it's all a consperecy theory is running a little to thin with all that is being hung from it these days don'y you all think? that has got to be the PTB best ever propaganda yet well that and your a hippy radical but I don't think that one lasted as long as they had hope it would.

l8r q:^)>

everyone would take just just 10 min. out of there day and THINK & APPLY for a change instead of doing nothing, then we might, I mean we could get something done around here and start back on the road to what it's all about . Youknow LIFE, HAPPYNESS, LIBERTY that hole what this contry was all about back sometime ago. Man would'nt it be nice to see a change.

as one cheif justas said the capitalest way is not by any means the perfect way and need work to and the very least the power's that opperate it need to be watched as we can se through out history where there is power there is the chance of miss use and even in our dimo. and capit. way there are those that will forsake all others for the lust of power and it's friut << that's for the Fruit we all no and love .
just a mention for you but why don't you put that pen of yopur to work doing something to change the system that took your shit and stop wasteing it on the things tha won't help anyonne these guys' didn't do anything to scam anyone all though that is what the PTB want you to beleave and as a good follower your going right along with there plan arn't you it seems it dosn't take much to get the people that are weak to follow along like lemmings and they don't give a shit about you except that you pay them more money and more money fight fruit fight like your are but do it in the right direction and that go's fo all of the people I hear on this blog everyone of you at one point or another have said that they don'y think that thePTB are doing thing right and trhat altought you may no agree with the way the dorean group went about it you do think that the bank and the rest need to change . if you said it than it time To do something other than bithching on here about what you think put that to work where it is doing it best work to make it right again POWER IN NUMBERS

if you want a good go make it one start and then make someone eles have one to.

have a great day all!!!

and I meannn that!

KYHOOYA said...

Hey one last thing for you all who have kids or for that matter even if you don't you must no someone who has them and might be interested in the fact's about the banking system and the rest of the money system in thsi country.
So this is what I'am doing to change thing from how I grew up and make it different for my kid I 'm telling her the fact about how it all work as I have learned them and in the hope that she will know a lot more about it and make better choses for then I did .

I mean the fact is that i don't want her to wake up at 40 and just start to learn the truth like me the product of the good old USA ED system and what they told me was the the facts about money.
they are still teaching the same old crap just take a good look at one of your kids home work paper s and se for your self what they are being told. so I told my daughter that no big deal we would have some fun with it and I was going to teach her a few thing that might not be in the ling that she hear from school but never the less the truth is the truth and that if she wanted to asked about it when it come up in class that she can chalalnge the teachings all she wants and tha I'll as all ways will back her 110% if there is a problem with the school and will have them back up what they are teaching are kids lets seeif they have anything more to say that that is the way it is and that 's it they told us that whats the truth and we sould teach it the way they said and that is it not ??? the PTB right



hey just my two cents and do what you will with yours just thought I woulod give you something to think about...

check out what your kids are being told as facts in school for your self and you'll see what I'm saying it's kinda scary to think what eles there teaching them for the 6-8 hr they have there little mind to dowaht theyt want.

The fact is that your school will do waht ever it is told to do by the PTB if they want to keep getting the money they receive to keep opperating and you better beat they structure everything aroud this one thing getting that money you no like they get paied for every kid that is there when the count is done then they get paied for thatmany if your kids is not there they don't get paied for them . Take a look at how your school put the importance of being at school as a top of the list in it news letter or such and it's do to money not the ED mist for not being there that thery are worried about thats for sure. check it out for your self

that's it have a great day everyone


son of a prophet said...

which god is pat roberson listing to???

Pat Robertson: God Said A Tsunami Will Hit America's Coastline

Robert Paul Reyes
May 18, 2006

As someone who appreciates the absurd, I frequently watch Pat Robertson's 700 Club. You never know when he's going to call for the assassination of a foreign leader or condemn an American town to hell.
The televangelist rarely disappoints; in his latest pronouncement Pat Robertson claimed God told him storms and possibly a tsunami will hit America's coastline this year.

"If I heard the Lord right about 2006, the coasts of America will be lashed by storms," Robertson said on his 700 Club, he added, "there well may be something as bad as a tsunami in the Pacific Northwest."

That may be the problem right there. Pat is getting long in the tooth, and he may not be hearing the Lord right. The Almighty may have actually said: Soon there will be another Starbucks opening in the Pacific Northwest.
The quirky religious broadcaster said the revelations about this year's weather came to him during his annual personal prayer retreat in January.
The Lord spoke to me during my annual gambling, girls and greed retreat in Las Vegas: "Son, believe thou not the ramblings of my wayward ministers Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson. If a tsunami is about the hit America I will use a more credible individual than Pat Robertson to deliver the bad tidings. I will employ one of my trusted bleach-blond bimbo weather girls to sound the warning."
I wouldn't listen to Pat Robertson when he predicts the course a hurricane will take or when a tsunami will hit America's coastline. I'm not a weatherman, but I predict that a burst of hot air will hit this country the next time the 700 Club airs.

son of a prophet said...

Another Waco Brewing In Sleepy Texas Town Of Eldorado

Publisher of small town newspaper claims tempers and tensions are rising over polygamist sect, as FBI put its leader, Warren Jeffs, on the 10 most wanted list.

17 May 2006

By Greg Szymanski

Another bloody Waco-type situation is brewing in the sleepy Texas town of Eldorado, according to Randy Mankin, former city manager and publisher of the town's newspaper.

Mankin said the controversy surrounds the nation's largest polygamist sect and its leader, Warren Jeffs, who was recently put on the FBI's 10 most wanted list for allegedly abusing and raping a child.

The story broke nationwide Monday when the FBI announced a nationwide manhunt for Jeffs, who arrived in Eldorado two years ago, relocating from Utah with his group of more than 400.

"Nobody has seen Jeffs and we are not sure if he is inside the compound," said Mankin when he appeared Monday on Greg Szymanski's radio show, The Investigative Journal. "The 64,000 questions are why they came here, where did the money come to buy more than 1,600 acres, as well as constructing an enormous, 25,000 square foot, five-story white temple that looks bigger than the Mormon Temple in Utah."

Mankin said the scenario building resembles Waco, hoping tensions will not build like they did in 1993 when authorities stormed David Koresh's Branch Davidian compound, leaving about 80 dead.

"I pray it doesn't come to that," said Mankin, who added it's the biggest story his town has ever seen. "I haven't seen a build-up of law enforcement, but the actions of those inside the compound have been very secretive."

Mankin said townspeople have always remained suspicious since the sect's leaders first arrived, pretending to be businessmen, adding they were building a hunting retreat for corporate clients. The leaders of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (FLDS) have since admitted they originally misled townspeople, as construction of the enormous white temple made their lies obvious.

As the story of the sect's polygamy practices spread, the state of Texas moved quickly to tighten up laws, sending a clear message that polygamy was frowned upon in Texas.

Rep. Harvey Hilderbran, R-Kerrville, quickly sponsored a bill to make bigamy a felony and raise the Texas marriage age from 14 to 16. His bill also made it illegal for stepparents to marry their stepchildren.

"What has happened in Colorado City and Hildale has taught us not to wait for this situation to grow into an unstoppable problem," said Hilderbran.

Although his bill died in the House, it later was transferred to the state senate where Gov. Rick Perry quickly signed it into law.

"I hope to prevent Texas from succumbing to the practices of taking child brides, incest, welfare abuse and domestic violence," Hilderbran said.

While the 2,000 residents remain suspicious, authorities are searching for Jeffs, who is facing serious sexual abuse charged related to his activities in Utah, the former FDLS home after it broke away from the Mormon Church.

The sect split from the LDS Church about 70 years ago after Mormon leaders officially renounced polygamy. Members of the sect continue to practice polygamy and are said to have a minimum of at least three wives.

FLDS leaders bought the ranch to Eldorado, located about three hours west of Austin, in 2004 in an effort to settle some families away from their larger community, in Colorado City, Ariz., just south of the Utah border.

Rodney Parker, the sect's lawyer and spokesman in Salt Lake City, warned against a "hysterical reaction" to developments within the church or at the settlement in Eldorado.

"The worst thing is when people start comparing this to a potential Waco, something that is completely unfounded," Parker said in a telephone interview, referring to the 1993 standoff between federal agents and Branch Davidian cult members that ended in a firefight.

"They just do not want any attention," Parker said. "They want to live quiet lives."

For more informative articles, go to

son of a prophet said...

Besides the DaVinci Code falling the beginning of the 33 day cycle, Fermanian looks at some other strange dates and Illuminati events, including Waco, the Madrid bombings and 9/11.

"Think about this Friday the 19th is 1,711 days since 9/11 or (SEP-tember 11); Sep. means 7 in Latin or Roman," said Fermanian. "Also the Madrid Bombings were 911 days since 9/11. April 19th were also the dates for Waco and for the Oklahoma City bombings.

"Bush Senior announced the New World Order exactly 11 years before 9/11 on 9/11/1990. It must be remembered that one and nine are important Illuminati numbers. Then you have 7/7 London Bombings, the Start of the Iraq War on a 33 day cycle.

"The second London Bombings on a 33 day cycle, and the previous 33 day cycle (Sunday, April 16, 2006) Bush announced his Bird Flu and forced vaccination plans where they will have mobile labs to inject people and print Federal Reserve Notes overseas in case of a national emergency."

For more informative articles, go to

wysiwyg said...

Also don't forget that 11+33=44 SOP'S I.Q. LOL

son of a prophet said...


its actually only 40! but thanx anyway.

WillToFight said...

down and totally out!

down and totally out!

down and totally out!

WillToFight said...

down and totally out!

down and totally out!

down and totally out!

wysiwyg said...


Thanks for taking it so well, you know I'm just giving you the razz.

Will on the other hand, buy a sence of humor O.K.

Brilliant come back BTW

wysiwyg said...

Oh and Will,

I lost my house to foreclosure due to this process, and am still in support of K&S so SHUT UP, I am not a naysayer

provb1022 said...

Mogel and fruit


Can I take back my comment on "sincere" fruit. I'm still laughing Moog

WillToFight said...

When will you learn you IDIOT


BANKER FRAUD, should I continue?

Down and Totally OUt!

Get with it!.

Did you REFI! Or did you job take away your pension fund. Or did they move to India/China?

This process has only tried to get thing in correct perspective!

Point your finger at the real criminal.

I mean you steal believe that a B757 hit the pentagon. What can I tell you!

WillToFight said...


I guess this is kind of fun. Responding to some of these people here like NUTCAKE?!?!?!

It really is a waste!

Nut Cake must think that because his/her belief in God is so strong, that they could jump off a cliff an landing on concrete and still live i.e. Believe without action!

Nut Cake, when will you see that it takes action to win battles?

You can't just go around spouting off bible verses thinking that that is all that has to be done!

There must be works/action/doing!

What are you doing?

What works have you performed?

What are your immediate actions (beside being a pain in the ass here), to make things better overall?

straight answers not bible verses!

wysiwyg said...

Hey willto be a dumbass,

I said I stand behind the process and K&S. SO STFU scumbag

neodemes said...

It seems odd that God would spend so much time counciling Kurt on how to defeat bankers, but seems to do nothing about abortion.

Reprinted by permission of:

Copyright © Michael Bronson 1997, 1999, and 2000

1 out of every 67 deaths in the WORLD is an American abortion*1

1 out of every 4 deaths in America is an American Abortion*2

Half of the deaths in the world are from abortions*3

Abortion is the leading cause of death in the world. It kills as many people as ALL of the other causes of death combined.*4

We have lost more Americans through abortions (64 times more) than we did in all of our wars (12 wars) combined*5

The world kills more people through abortion than all of the deaths in the America combined (22 times as many)*6

The D-Day invasion of France (WWII) was the bloodiest in history. There were 53,714 allied soldiers killed in the "Battle of Normandy." Yet, our world kills more people than that in just 9 hours through abortions.*7

America has lost 589 soldiers in its first year of fighting in the Iraq War. The world, however, kills more people than that in just 6 minutes through abortions.*8


About 56 million people (worldwide) will die this year. These statistics, however, do not include the number of American Abortions. Since there will be around 850,000 American abortions this years, this put the total deaths at 56.8 million. This means that one out of every 67 deaths (850,000 / 56,850,000 *100 = 1.49%, which equals 1 out of 66.9)will be from the American abortions.
(Source: )

America's population is around 290 million. The death rate in America is .834%. This means that 2.45 million Americans will die this year (290 million x .00834 = 2,447,600). These deaths, of course, do not include American abortions. Therefore, the total deaths in American will be 3.3 million. This means that one out of every 4 deaths in America will be from American abortions (850,000 / 3.3 million = 25.78%, which is 1 out of 3.8Cool.

About 56 million people (worldwide) will die this year. These statistics, however, do not include the number of American abortions. There are about 53 million abortions performed every year in the world. That means that half of the world's deaths are from abortions.
(Source: United Nations Population Fund

If you add up all of the others deaths in the world, it almost equals the number of deaths from abortions.

In the past 12 American wars, we lost 651,543 American soldiers. Yet, in the past 30 years, we have lost over 41 million Americans to abortions. That means we lost 64 times more Americans through abortion than we have in all of our wars combined (41,704,000 / 651,543 = 64).
(Source: Time Almanac 2002)

There are (on average) 2,447,600 deaths a year in America. There are about 53 million abortions in the world every years. Therefore the deaths from abortions are 22 times the deaths in America (53,000,000 / 2,447,600 = 21.65). Actually, many sources say there are 55 million abortions a year and other sources put the numbers as high as 60 million. However, to stay on the conservative side, I chose to use the smaller number of 53 million.

There are, on average, 1.68 abortions performed every second in the world. Therefore, it would take 8.9 hours to accumulate 53,714 deaths (53,714 / 1.68 / 60 seconds / 60 minutes = 8.88 hours).
(Source: )

There are, on average, 1.68 abortions performed every second in the world. Therefore, it would take 5.84 minutes to accumulate 589 deaths (589 / 1.68 / 60 seconds = 5.84 minutes).

son of a prophet said...

reading about the recent problems with the prisoners at guantnanamo bay reminded me of the old star trek series....

it had lot of similarities to the govt.

thier 'prime directive' was one of non-interference with neighboring planets, yet all they did was interfere..."we need di-lithuim crystals to run our ship, so you either sell them to us, or we will take them..."

non-interference, huh!? and tehre were many other similarites too..

in the episode that featured ricardo montalban as the great warrior "KHAN", the enterprise discovered a ship floating aimlessly thruough space and boarded it to find that it was a prison colony ship which housed 100 of the worst criminals on the planet, who could not be imprisoned anywhere safely, they were so bad. so they were put in suspended animatiion and sent of on a ship to just travel endlessly thruogh space....

anyone remember the name of the spaceship that these prisoneres were housed in???

the ship was called the S.S. BOTANY BAY...

any similarity to the prison in cuba which house the most incorrigble prisoners...guantanamo bay??

hhmmmm....could star trek been an illuminati production??

they certanily used the illuminati principle of always do the opposite of what you say you will do or appear to do, to the public...


and regarding abortion, thats why this country is under judgement, for about 50+ million abortons since 1973 roe/wade decision...

thats a lot of payback coming due..."thou shalt not sacrifice babies to molech..."

~~The Swami~~~ said...

I shot the sheriff, but I did not shoot the deputy.

neodemes said...

Sheriif John Brown always hated me, for what, I don't know.

But every time I'd plant a seed he's say 'Kill it before it grow.'

son of a prophet said...

thanx neo,

you reminded me of what the name of the star trek episode was....

...."space seed".......

hmmmmm....could it be that the ac will come from guantanamo bay???

in the star trek episode, KHAN was a mean sob, and his cohorts planned on ruling the world....they were dropped off on a "forsaken planet" and flourished and then came back in the new star trek movie of recent vintage..."the wrath of khan"....

these were a race of superhumans....

the bible says that the ac will have superhuman power too...

the more i look at this, the more similarities that i see....

could guantanamo bay be a "petri dish" to develop superhumans udnder the guise of being a prison??

once this strongman comse out, he will go to europe to become the ac....

far fetched??? maybe....then again, maybe not....

only the HS could have made me notice the similarities, so i may not be so far off after the HS can reveal a lot to those he wishes, without seeing it, just by sensing it.....

son of a prophet said...

and right now, is not earth "forsaken planet"????

neodemes said...

The rub is, moog, that a promissary note is simply that. A promise to repay. You aren't making a deposit, you're making a promise.

Maybe you would like to define Promissary Note?

son of a prophet said...



(or is it dis-order?)

gee, thank you for the chioice....

Wondering How To Defeat The New World Order?

(i was sort of wonerin' about how to do

Read This Short Article

The secret is to have the peaceful courage to possess the truth and acting on this conviction in everything we do

20 May 2006

By Greg Szymanski

Fighting the New World Order and its American minions, deceptively destroying this country, is a daunting task. But it is a task all free-minded people must accept willingly. It must be accepted since it is the right thing to do.

As it has been aptly put by someone close to the real spiritual controllers of the New World Order: "They have all the power. They have all the money. It's all over, America. And the fat lady won't be singing. It's going to be messy. Be prepared. You are either with us or against us. "

With that in mind, the words of a 21st Century American freedom fighter should be remembered when he said: the two things hated most by the spiritual controllers of the New World Order are Protestantism and Democracy, a fact put on the historical record in 1822 at the Council of Verona.

So how do good people overcome the enemy within?

The enemy must first be identified and then the internal possession of truth must be allowed to guide all actions, leading to the premise if "all actions are good, evil has no place to roam."

And so the battle to defeat the New World Order becomes centered and guided by the mounting strength and goodness within each individual, as one by one millions of Americans walking with conviction can expose and defeat the cowardice of evil.

We can strive for a better world in the physical sense, but first our moral compass must be set in the proper direction every single minute of every single day.

As necessity is the mother of invention in the physical world, so the presence of the New World Order in the spiritual sense is a call to arms or a rallying cry for all good men to look deep into their souls while never yielding to the forces of tyranny and evil

Without question, America's enemy is weak in true spirit but strong in earthly possessions. Without question, the enemy lacks honesty, integrity and a true vision of eternal peace and happiness.

Without question, America's enemy will shutter and fall by the wayside, knowing every day each and every good America awakens by proclaiming the following short meditation, written by Fr. John A. Hardon, a priest who knew in his heart who was the real enemy of mankind:

As motivation before reciting the meditation, first listen to the words of Lisa Gardner, a good American searching for answers who echoes the feelings of millions of others:

"I have two boys, 13 and 14. I am afraid to stay here in the United States because things have gone to hell. I want to go somewhere safe. Is there anywhere in THE WORLD that we are safe from the globalists? Is it even possible to get away from this madness? I don't know where to begin my search."

Don't leave. Lisa. Begin your search deep within your heart and soul with the following words written by Fr. Hardon:

Conviction is the basis of courage, certitude is the foundation of peace. The secret of achievement is to have the peaceful courage of possessing the truth and acting on this conviction in everything we do.

Without question, this meditation repeated everyday by millions of Americans will one day smother the enemy under a cloak of goodness.

And without question if all good Americans say the following prayer every day, given to us by Fr. Hardon, the enemy will once and for all be put to rest:

Teach me, my Lord, to be kind and gentle in all the events of life, in disappointments, in the thoughtlessness of others, in the insincerity of those I trusted, in the unfaithfulness of those on whom I relied.

Let me put myself aside, to think of the happiness of others, to hide my pains and heartaches, so that I may be the only one to suffer from them.

Teach me to profit by the suffering that comes across my path. Let me so use it that it may mellow me, not harden or embitter me; that it may make me patient, not irritable; that it may make me broad in my forgiveness, not narrow, proud and overbearing.

May no one be less good for having come within my influence. No one less pure, less true, less kind, less noble for having been a fellow traveler in our journey toward eternal life.

As I go my rounds from one task to another, let me say, from time to time, a word of love to You.

May my life be lived in the supernatural, full of power for good, and strong in its purpose of sanctity. Amen.

Editor's note: Please send this article far and wide so we can join hands every day and defeat the New World Order.

neodemes said...

How you choose to treat your neightbor is up to you, W.

You might want to take into consideration certain factors, though.

What is the nature of the need behind the $5K loan request?

Is there a life and death emergency involved? If so, you may want to give him/her the money, if you can spare it.

Or, rally a community effort to help out this citizen.

If there is only a desire to have something now, rather than later, you may want to advise them to be patient and save the money for their purchase.

As you decide what to do, remember Jesus tells us:

Love thy neighbor as thyself.


neodemes said...

W sez:

"ahh, and your jesus then condones stealing from your neighbor in the name of love then?"

That doesn't even resemble anything I said.

Try again.

neodemes said...

Kurt said:

"I got a word 22 years ago from God that guaranteed my victory"

Powerful statement.

If true, all the clients have it made in the shade.

It gives one pause for thought, though.

God came up with a Master plan for Kurt to defeat the evil bankers.

The plan went into action roughly 19 years later. That's a lot of time for fine-tuning, especially with Kurt on a 5 year, 8 month hiatus from the responsibilities of freedom, courtesy of the taxpayers.

And yet, in the process of drawing in an alleged 4000 clients, it seems the plan wasn't running smoothly.

Somehow, the banks' 'bad behavior' wasn't calculated into the mix and, after foreclosures cropped up for those who were told they could stop paying their mortgage, the 'administrative overpayment' policy was effected.

Daily operations were disrupted and funds impounded, hampering the efforts of the principles - somehow also unanticipated, after Word of Knowledge and years of planning.

You would think in all that time, the very best, hand-picked team could have been assembled, especially with God's backing,
yet Dorean ended up with an incompetent lawyer who lost the civil cases and was sanctioned and fined for his bumbling efforts, and a group of broker/agents, some who were less than savory public figures in the discussion forums, derisively attacking anyone who spoke contrary to the 'process'(You know who you/they are), and others who cut bait and ran like hell (weren't they made hip to God's plan?).

Speaking of bait...

Kurt said:

"I am surprised that you think a giant fish like the bankers and their gleaning fish the government can be caught on an empty hook. I can imagine some of you entering a battle and getting nicked by a sword say a $3,000 wound then dropping your sword"


"We knew the fish we were baiting and God gave us the wisdom to reel in the prey."

Again, if true, the clients are in like Flynn, yet are chastised for not having enough faith in the team of Kurt and God not to be worried, scared, angry or upset...
the same clients, veritable agents of God's plan and used as bait, without whose participation, none of this battle to promised victory would have been possible.

Perhaps, rather than marketing '100 successes, be Free & Clear in 45 days', the ads should have been recruiting Warriors of God. Then there would be no reason to be so harsh to the clients, as they would all have been like-minded men and women, united in rightous battle from the outset.

Kurt said:

"My question is can the feds turn God into a liar?"

My question is, can Kurt turn God into a liar?

The answer to both, of course, is 'No'.

When all is said and done, and it turns out that victory does not go to Kurt, let no one try to say it was due to complicity of the Powers That Be.

There have been far too many claims of the direct intervention of God to even go there.

neodemes said...

W, I don't know why you are so insistent upon stealing from your neighbor, or anyone else, but don't try to pin your actions on me.

Open your heart and wallet to your neighbor, without self-gain, if you are able to.

God loves you.

God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son so that none should perish, but have life everlasting.

Depart from your material ways, brother man.

~~The Swami~~~ said...

I give my neighbors about two months to get their Christmas lights down. If they are still up after the two months, I wait until the neighbors are gone and "I" take them down and throw them in the trash at no charge.


KYHOOYA said...

neodemes said...
How you choose to treat your neightbor is up to you, W.

You might want to take into consideration certain factors, though.

What is the nature of the need behind the $5K loan request?

Is there a life and death emergency involved? If so, you may want to give him/her the money, if you can spare it

So I'm to understand you to say, that if I go to the bank with a good sob story they should then give me the money I'm asking for without any interest or payment's. Like lets say a "Grant" = (no payment or return due) only agreement to complete the task or resolve the said problem that backed the request.

Do I have a good understanding here of what you said or is this another one of those storys were it's one way for the bank's and another way for the rest of te people.

The other thing i would like to know from you is how you define the client of the dorean proscess,

1. Stupid

2.Heavly Medicated

I was just interested because of your statement about how the dorean group should have addvetised that it needed people of faith to go after the evil bankers. It's a bit of a strech to think that the client were one of the above when they were just about to put there house on the line and the other's that did and lost there home .... Come on Let's give each other a break and I won't call you a dumb ass if you won't insist on me excepting the fact that the one who lost there house were not right on the edge of doing so when the signed on.

I can not come with a good reason for someone that would sign there house over without checking thing out first and noing the risk when doing so.

So can we all get over the B.S. that people lost anthing that they were not on there way to lost from the start. there is just know way that someone would do any of this other than that.
I can understand that poeple want someone to blame for what has happen, no one like to take reasonability for there own act's and thats the facts

One last thing I find it funny how you insist on making some kind of derog. when posting Mogels name and I don't see that in return. Why is that Neo?

Do you find him a threat of some sort and you need to demean him to try and bolster yourself.

Seem's kinda childish if it is not being returned that is.

O.K. two last things
What is it that you do for a living anyway?
It look's to me as if it just might be posting do to the amout you have done here and with your own site needing to be worked I would think that could keep someone busy most of the day. just wondering no big deal if you would rather not say.

KYHOOYA said...


Dude it's time to take the "BLUE PILL" I think because what's with the Sar Trek & HS conection you are starting to scare me so stop it o.k. lol

if you have to there have got to be better conspiracy than that out there

I mean come on Gunto, HS,& Star Trek ??....

The next thing you'll be saying is that Capt Kurt had to Screw all those allien to get the dylithium crystals need to get to that planet were the saw "GOD" and then he pick a fight with him he was such a dumb ass at time you know what I mean .

I would think after all that time in space to get there. He would have shut up and just went with the flow and found another green chicand had a good time like the rest were going to do. BUUUUT oHHHH NOooo he had to go and open his big mouth and chalange the fact that "GOD" would'nt be mean and vengeful. You can just hear Spock now saming to him self "Will this guy ever just shut him big mouth and go with the flow" "I should just give him the death grip and get it over with because it going to come to that sooner or later anyway" or something close to that I would think

I sure hope you remember that episode because if not that won't sense at all.

Not like that has stoped me before or will again
anyway my two cents for the day
q:^}> L8R...


neodemes said...

"So I'm to understand you to say, that if I go to the bank with a good sob story they should then give me the money I'm asking for without any interest or payment's."


"Do I have a good understanding here of what you said or is this another one of those storys were it's one way for the bank's and another way for the rest of te people."

Unless the rest of the people are banks, than it stands to reason there has to be some difference.

The commonality between the two would lay in the promise to pay.

If one wants to go whining that they didn't understand the deal, when the terms of repayment are clarly laid out, they can do that, through the courts.

To sign up with an ME company, fully intending to refinance with the pre-meditated intent to default on the 2nd loan as well, really isn't justifiable, is it? At that point, there is no excuse of not knowing that there may be a question of non-disclosure by banks.

"The other thing i would like to know from you is how you define the client of the dorean proscess"

I'm sure each case is different, but misled, gullible or greedy might be appropriate words.

Regarding forclosures, many who lost their homes may have been going to anyway. I don't know intimate details. Whether all who entered the process would have, I don't know, but doubt that is true. However, all who stopped making payments and counted on Dorean docs would be foreclosed on. Without a doubt.

"One last thing I find it funny how you insist on making some kind of derog. when posting Mogels name and I don't see that in return. Why is that Neo?"

Sometimes I use mogel, sometimes Byron, or moog, or moogie. I don't see any difference than my being referred to as nemo, or neo.

I've been called worse. I'm sure mogel has been, too.

neodemes said...


we can go round and round forever. It's pointless.

You talk as though people have the ability to purchase a house with their signature alone.

Without the banks mechanisms there wouldn't be homeownership for anyone other than the filthy rich with piles of cash.

Is that your vision of the future? Is that justice for the people?

I don't think so.

I don't think Kurt compares to Moses, David or Jesus, either, but I won't dispute your right to believe so.

Is Kurt worthy of Christ's forgiveness if he repents, you ask?


Neither are you.

Nor me.

We are all as filthy rags.

That's the awesome beauty of God's Grace.