Tell me what mind can manufacture a seed
What mind can comprehend a need
The gift of life is as spectacular as the event
And human toil and effort can’t recover what was spent
Dream big fragile man put to work your industrious hand
Still you cannot accomplish a feat as great as land
You can grow a thought into a plan
But you are still removed from giving life
Even the children of your love
Are the product of original love
Dust formed you dust you’ll return
What was the value of what you never could earn
Give it your worry give it concern
Take from the teacher all you can learn
In the end will you be like the weed
A useless product of original seed
Blossom now for a fragrance eternal
Commend your spirit unto the Lord
Give your life back to the giver
And no imagination can fathom the harvest delivered.
Friday, November 12, 2010
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The pretender lenders have lots of problems. But there is one HUGE problem that is floating up to the surface that could cost them somewhere between $650 BILLION and perhaps three time that amount. The Dodd-Frank Bill has a requirement that the pretender lenders keep a 5% interest in the securitized loans. It doesn’t sound like much. The problem they have is that virtually none of the loans have actually been securitized YET. That’s why they have the paperwork mills working so hard. So the securitization of any of these loans might be deemed incomplete until somehow they come up with paperwork scheme that is acceptable to the courts.
The problem is that under the finance reform bill that was passed and is now law the pretenders (investment banks) probably would be required to come up with 5% of the deal on completion of each one. Oops. So instead of concentrating on the individual loan that is in dispute, they have to seal up the deal on all loans that are claimed as part of the pool and relate it (CUSIP) to the issuance of bonds to investors. Let’s forget about the fact that investors are not going to accept loans that do not qualify under the securitization documents. Let’s say they can do it, force it through or slip it by a Judge whose mind is crumpled by the complexity of the scheme times 10 for the complexity of how they varied their practice from the written scheme in the securitization documents.
THAT would mean the pretenders would have to cough up 5% of the deal. “The deal” collectively is estimated at a minimum of $13 trillion. 5% is $650 BILLION. If they don’t complete the deal, they don’t have a loan to enforce and there is no creditor because the loan originator wasn’t the creditor and now neither is anyone else. Remember the bonds were sold first; THEN the loan applications were accepted and the investor money was matched up with homeowner deals.
But the problem is worsens. Only a fraction of the total mortgages are in foreclosure, but the successful conclusion of the securitization process would require 5% from the investment banks on all the loans in every pool that has even one foreclosure in it. So on a $200,000 foreclosure of a loan made from investor funding (i.e., the real lender) the investment bank could be required to cough up 5% of the total deal. Each deal averaging around $2 billion, that would mean that to foreclose on a $200,000 mortgage, their regulator is going to insist they come up with $100 million, accepting 5% of the risk. The effect on their reserve capital will be, well, gargantuan.
Apparently this scenario is not as far fetched as you might think, because along with the MERS initiative, required because a majority of all mortgages name MERS, a non-existent nominee party with no interest in the deal, the pretender lenders are drafting legislation and pushing it on capital hill for an exemption. The exemption would effectively pardon them for their sins, exempt them from the 5% requirement and continue screwing the country by sucking all the capital out of it. The really interesting thing about this is that after all the money the pretenders spent electing people into congress and state houses, some of the bell ringers recognize two problems and are currently back-peddling away from the very proposals they promised when they took Wall Street money.
It seems that any relief granted to the banks would be unpopular across all demographics. These newbies and oldies want to get re-elected. And now they are also running into a second problem which is the ultimate third rail of American politics — states’ rights (remember that thing we call the Civil War or the War of Great Northern Aggression?) Apparently a lot of bell ringers and newcomers are concerned about the effort at federal preemption of property rights within the states, an area that has long been verified, ratified and acknowledged as exclusively subject to state legislatures and state courts.
The "lenders" have no problems Joseph as they have the full faith and credit (you and me) of the United States (crime syndicate)to back them up. Behold the coming of QE2. The first faze arrived mid night friday morning on the DOLLAR chart as the first installment of 200 billion was deposited in US treasury's.
As usual Matt Taibi's first hand witness of "justice" within a forecloure court mimicks DOREAN expierence of what the" lawless call the law". Thank you Kurt and Scott for your invaluable insight into the workings of faith and the one true law.
From Rolling Stone magazine.
"For most people, the former bit about homeowners not paying their damn bills is the important part, while the latter, about the sudden and strange inability of the world’s biggest and wealthiest banks to keep proper records, is incidental. Just a little office sloppiness, and who cares? But in reality, it’s the unpaid bills that are incidental and the lost paperwork that matters. It turns out that underneath that little iceberg tip of exposed evidence lies a fraud so gigantic that it literally cannot be contemplated by our leaders, for fear of admitting that our entire financial system is corrupted to its core — with our great banks and even our government coffers backed not by real wealth but by vast landfills of deceptively generated and essentially worthless mortgage-backed assets.And that’s just the economic side of the story. The moral angle to the foreclosure crisis — and, of course, in capitalism we’re not supposed to be concerned with the moral stuff, but let’s mention it anyway — shows a culture that is slowly giving in to a futuristic nightmare ideology of computerized greed and unchecked financial violence. The monster in the foreclosure crisis has no face and no brain. The mortgages that are being foreclosed upon have no real owners. The lawyers bringing the cases to evict the humans have no real clients. It is complete and absolute legal and economic chaos. No single limb of this vast man-eating thing knows what the other is doing, which makes it nearly impossible to combat — and scary as hell to watch."
yes, even a ferdal agnet must admit, that the govt. is a criminal enterprise.
course, that is all about to change at any moment now, with the upcoming collapse of the currency and with it, the stock market.
starting perhaps as early as monday the 14th, when the tipping point is actually supposed to begin.
nov. 8 was only the start of the 'plateau' period, where the webbots language said that things were at a "peak" and could not get any better and after that would now actually start to slide down.
so there has already been 2 slighltly down days in the stock market and the worst week since 3 months.
and tis all down from here, possibly to 6000 on the DOW.
and you havent heard the last of the 'missile' yet either and the fact that there was another missile shot a few days ago this time in ny city.
brace yoursel, this one is for real.
better still, invest $10 and grab a .pdf copy of clif highs webbots report at and see for yourself.
in fact, at the site, it says that if you write him an email and state that you are indigent or indignant, whichever, he will send you a copy 'gratis'
the key to the ongoing operattion of the criminal enterprise aka 'the us govt.' is the dollar.
once the USD collapses, the govt/criminal enterprise collapses with it.
notice that obama retruned from the G-20 empty handed and also with no agreements on the currency issue with china.
starting monday, china is going to be dumping the USD big time and continuing on till and after the new year.
watch what happens now.
as stocks collapse, so do pension funds which the webbots said will start to collapse beginning around spring 11'
city/local govt. will also start to fold as thier unfunded pension plans start to fold.
and notice that gold has knicked on the door of $1400/oz
and silver will be at $30/oz in the next few months.
and lastly, we are all only about 24 months away from the 2012 date.
and dont forget, that some say that this date is incorrect, and that the mayan calendar really ends on oct. 2011...
interesting times ahead fo sho.
and of course, only those with "spirit" will be able to understand that the above 2 posts will prove accurate in the next few months, ie. that the slide into the abyss has started in earnest.
and this is also precisely where the bible speaks of a "falling away" of the christians.
2 statements about that.
1. those who will appear to "fall away" were never christians to begin with, but phony front runner christians, meaning that when all was ok, these were all like someone that i actually know in real life, thanking the lord for this, and thanking the lord for that, which i dont hear him say was like, "i farted, thank the lord", "i burped, thank the lord"...when times get ruff, we shall see who is a real christian someone wrote, most are phony christians, and when things get rally rough, and they have to survive, they will cut your heart out the same as a non christian would.
2. they will also "fall away" as the rest will go into deep "prayer" to christ to save them from their perils.
these prayers as things collapse will go unanswered and so these remaining will also fall away.
the prayers that they ask for cannot be answered as these phony christians never figured out (or had the spirit) that christ is not concerned with earthy matters. its like, "your soul is saved bud, whats the problem?"
the problem is "i dont have a job, money, my house was lost, etc"
christ is not going to answer those prayers, if they are answered, it was not because of christ, it was because of somehting they did or someone else did for them, the dg, some attorney, etc.
christs world is a spiritual one, so how ppl can pray for earthly matters is me and obviously ot them also.
even the rapture notwithstanding, how can all be made right is saying taht the millenial kingdom can be brought in without christ appearing.
its like food and drinks for everyone on the house and a turkey in every stocking.
can this be?
did not christ say that this could not be until he came back?
was christ a liar???
of course, the other possibility is a war with iran....nonetheless, either way, it will spell the end of the criminal enterprise aka us govt.
see ya, honey....its been nice knowing ya...dont forget turn the lights on your way out....
phony front runner christians, meaning that when all was ok, these were all like someone that i actually know in real life, thanking the lord for this, and thanking the lord for that, which i dont hear him say was like, "i farted, thank the lord", "i burped, thank the lord"...when times get ruff, we shall see who is a real christian indeed..
hint: ask yourself if you can still be a christian if rightly or wrongly, eveything taht you own is removed from you???
and i mean everything.
you now have no money, no job, no place to live, youre out on street.
can you maintain yuor christian principles?
maybe some reading this can do it.
of course, its one thing to say that you can,its another to actually do it.
meaning until then, its just thought, as you havent lost anything yet.
come talk to me when you have.
and there are going to be many who will be in this boat, who have/are going to lose everything that theyve ever owned.
and the govt. is going to force the most stubbornest of ppl to come to the conclusion that the govt is a criminal enterprise.
adn that they have to renounce their entry into it meaning to reclaim their strawman.
those who dont, will have everything slowly but surely removed from them by taxes, confiscation, etc.
even the ban on foreclosurs will not prevent this, as they will be able to keep thier house but with no jobs, no money, no cant eat your house and you wont be able to sell it either as teh banks will not lend money as they now have none to lend with the credit collapse
you wont be able to sell it either as teh banks will not lend money as they now have none to lend with the credit collapse
meaning the end of jekyll island money, ie creating from thin air.
banks or whatver they will be called, will now need to keep reserves for every dollar they lend.
thats good/bad
good in that it should have always been done that way.
bad in that now it will be impossible to get a loan to buy a house, car, boat, etc
they will only lend to those who truly do not need it but just choose to borrow rather than pay cash
and if that was enuf, dont forget about planten-x
Nov. 10, 2010 MEDIA ADVISORY :
M10-157 NASA Announces Televised Chandra News Conference WASHINGTON -- NASA will hold a news conference at 12:30 p.m. EST on Monday, Nov. 15, to discuss the Chandra X-ray Observatory's discovery of an exceptional object in our cosmic neighborhood.
The news conference will originate from NASA Headquarters' television studio, 300 E St. SW in Washington and carried live on NASA TV.
Media representatives may attend the conference, join by phone or ask questions from participating NASA locations. To RSVP or obtain dial-in information, journalists must send their name, affiliation and telephone number to Trent Perrotto at: by 10 a.m. EST on Nov. 15. Reporters wishing to attend the conference in-person must have a valid press credential for access. Non-U.S. media also must bring passports.
Scientists involved in the research will be available to answer questions. Panelists providing analysis of the research include: - Jon Morse, director, Astrophysics Division, NASA Headquarters in Washington
- Kimberly Weaver, astrophysicist, NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md
. - Alex Filippenko, astrophysicist, University of California, Berkeley For NASA TV streaming video, downlink and further information, visit:
For more information about NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory, visit: - end -
to discuss the Chandra X-ray Observatory's discovery of an exceptional object in our cosmic neighborhood.
now wonder waht that could be??
yes, da shite all hitting at much, that some not even hitting the fan, but passing rite thru it, the space between the blades
First California. Now they’re shooting at Queens!
Two days after a mysterious vapor trail appeared at sundown off the Los Angeles coast — triggering fears of an enemy missile attack — a stunning replay occurred in the sky over Far Rockaway.
A passer-by snapped a photo of a billowing streak yesterday afternoon at around 5 p.m.
Like Monday’s scare on the West Coast, it looked like the exhaust from a just-launched missile.
What caused the contrail visible from the Rockaways also is not known.
“It looked like a rocket,” said the photographer, who added that the plume appeared to the west of the Rockaways, possibly over Brooklyn or New Jersey.
Nov. 11, 2010
Free people can’t be trusted, can’t be managed. The plans are in place to bring that to an end. How many Americans will continue to be a part of it?
ok, here we go...
more info for the retard who said that "nothing" happened a few days ago...
More On SoCal Missile From A Missile Tech
By George Freund
"Finally there is something that has occurred, in which I am actually an expert and qualified to give a real answer about. I am a retired U.S. Navy FireControl Technician, who is platform certified in the gun and missile systems on board Adams class guided missile destroyers, I have also worked with the Navy's Harpoon, Tomahawk and ASROC missile systems. (FireControl Techs operate, maintain and repair the computer, radar and periphial systems used to launch and guide the various naval weapon systems, we are the guys who "PUSH THE BUTTON").
Anyway, what I saw in the recent video concerning the object 30 miles off the coast of CA. Is blatantly a foreign made, Large Cruise or ICBM missile, being launched by a sub-surface aquatic platform.
First, I know it's a large missile because it did not exhibit the typical "corkscrewing" trajectory of a beam riding missile as it trys to aquire the targeting beam. This tells me its a Big Boy with a complete guidence system installed in it, what is nicknamed a "fire and forget" missile, as once its launched its internal guidance system takes over and there is no real need for external guidance.
Second, I'm fairly confident it's not one of ours, as the vapor trail appears "dirty" it looks brownish.
I have personally been involved in (5) SM2 missile launches, and (2) ASROC missile launches, and have been on safety observation for at least 15 more launches of Harpoons, Tomahawks and other missiles. We put alot of sweat and money into our "birds" and part of that is the fuel cells, they burn very clean, a whitish-blue infact, not a dirty blackish brown. That missile had rather crude fuel cells, which tells me its not one of ours.
I bet the brass in Washington is freaked out big time, because of what I know of our "defenses" they should really have had a pretty good idea this thing was sitting there, and they should have been watching it, not only that the moment it broke the surface of the water and ignited our early warning dopplar should have picked it up, and relayed the info to NORAD, and the CAP units flying patrol over the country... Any high ranking expert who believes this is a condensation trail off of a commercial airliner is lying or stupid. I hope you hear from other Fire Control Techs who saw the same thing I did."
Any high ranking expert who believes this is a condensation trail off of a commercial airliner is lying or stupid.
i dont know about the guy that lied, but the "stupid" one is definitly frequents this blog.
"The mortgages that are being foreclosed upon have no real owners."
The courts will decide.
Given what has transpired and is common knowledge, the courts will decide what? And for whom? You are truly clueless.
heres more 'condensation trails" where that came from, this one from nyc the other nite
btw- if thats from a plane, how fast is the airplane travelling, warp 2??
which would be like Mach 10?
Obama Demands “that ALL Political Prisoners Be Released, Not Just One”
Ralph Iver
November 13, 2010
Tonight’s MSNBC News televised the release of Aung San Suu Kyi, the pro-Democracy leader of Myanmar. (Click on picture at left for the video.) Across all media reports, Obama refers to Kyi as “a hero of mine”. Public comments and blogs are already pointing out that statement to be a curious statement for a president who is accused of being a foreigner and Muslim while showing favoritism to southeast Asian people, many of whom are Muslim.
The kicker comes with the so far very little reported statement by Obama that ALL political prisoners be released, not just one.
HELLO?? Guantanamo? Where was the promised “change” regarding the prisoners in Guantanamo? In fact, the United States has quite a history of political imprisonment and false accusations against its own American citizens! How about the falsely accused Edgar J. Steele? Or David Lane, who died in prison and was kept there as an example to anyone who would speak out for the rights of people because they are White? Our own David Duke was a target for political imprisonment as he dedicated his life to expose Jewish supremacist and their hold on power over the rest of America, as well as Europe.
How about Obama step up and demand the liberation of Vincent Reynouard, politically imprisoned in France for heretical opinions? His only “weapon” was a pen.
Revisionist research and
discussion of the Holocaust from any but the official view is punishable in most European countries with time behind iron. That’s political imprisonment. Where was Obama when Ernst Zundel was finally released from political imprisonment in Germany? Seventy-four year old Horst Mahler is likely behind bars with a 12-year sentence, revenge for insulting Jewish Michel Friedman, former VP of the Central Council of Jews in Germany. There was Brad Love and Terry Tremaine of Canada, and David Irving of the UK.
ALL political prisoners? I’d like to see this community organizer in Chief hold true to that one!
The question is, how do they determine who is a political prisoner and who is not? Very few prisoners are publicly labled as such. Kurt and Scott are political prisoners, but try to get a politician to put it in writing... It will never happen.
Paul Craig Roberts has served well as a herald of truth in corrupt government and banking. He made a great summary remark that caught my eye once again. He said, "Today Americans are ruled by propaganda. Americans have little regard for truth, little access to it, and little ability to recognize it. Truth is an unwelcome entity. It is disturbing. It is off limits. Those who speak it run the risk of being branded anti-American, anti-Semite, or Conspiracy Theorist. Truth is an inconvenience for government and for the interest groups whose campaign contributions control government. Truth is an inconvenience for prosecutors who want convictions, not the discovery of innocence or guilt." In the last several years, especially since the 9/11 bloody coup to take control of the USGovt and USMilitary, power politics ran roughshod over law. Patriots have been turned into accused native terrorists. Financial fraud became a standard business practice. Financial markets came under greater control. Airports have become centers for invasive mugging. The nation has lost its way. The battle to wrest control in the name of the people will make for a very difficult clash of power versus the little person aided only by law, an uphill struggle.
yea, dont worry, its just anther contrail plume from a plane traveling at Mach III
seem like this stuff is happening on an almost daily basis now, eh?
think somethins goin on?
waht do those webboobs no??
"Americans have little regard for truth, little access to it, and little ability to recognize it. Truth is an unwelcome entity. It is disturbing. It is off limits."
It is true that Americans have little access to the truth. Our courts are not courts of Justice, but courts of JustUs. Our government has excluded us from gaining justice, because they wrote laws preventing it.
Evil has been defined by one author as:
Evil is any thought intended to exclude any individual or group of individuals, so as to justify the doing of something to that individual or group which does not promote their aliveness and enhance their experience of worth.
Is there evil in the world? YES.
Gerald Celente calls the evil-doers of this world, "The White Shoe Boys." The White Shoe Boys is a private club, and membership into the club is by invitation only.
From the NY Post.
Bank lawyers prosecuting the 80,000 foreclosure cases in New York are all but admitting that the cases they have filed over the past number of years have been riddled with fraud. In the three weeks-plus since New York State Chief Judge Jonathan Lippman put the foreclosure lawyers on notice that any fraud in foreclosure paperwork would be met with severe penalties — he is making lawyers sign affirmations promising they took “reasonable” steps to make sure the legal papers are true — practically no new foreclosure cases have been filed, The Post has learned. And existing cases have ground to a halt, a source close to the state’s foreclosure practice said. “Banks do not want to be the first to test the new rules,” the source said. The virtual shutdown of New York’s foreclosure business comes despite chest-thumping, bravado-filled statements made by some banks in October that they had nothing to be afraid of when it came to foreclosure fraud and that the lawsuits aimed at kicking delinquent homeowners from their houses would continue shortly.
It seems lawyers pressing the foreclosure cases are not willing to bet their law licenses on such claims.
Monday, November 15, 2010
To ALL Americans:
We are proud to announce the following information. The numbers relating to the gathering of this weekend and the reasons for the need for the private session will be released this week with more detail. The Utah republic event was a HISTORIC event and will change the world as we know it.
This weekend the majority of the republics came to Utah at the invite of the Utah republic. Our President James Timothy Turner was an invited guest and now has in his possession a bill that was passed with a unanimous vote of the People that will forever change our country.
What this means is that the joint session of Congress for the Republic of the united States of America spent this weekend working on the foundational documents for our new Republic. The Congress is now completely seated and fully in place with an operating/foundational document that is awaiting the President’s Signature.
Congratulations Americans, you now have serious hope in the fact that the People that you placed into these positions of servants as the Republic House and Senate, have done their job in seating our Republic.
Thank you to our President James Timothy Turner for his dedication and love for America. Thank you to Ambassador Steve Brooks, Loretta Johnson, Governor Ted Lee, the Utah Tech Team and to the entire Utah republic for putting on this event. Thank you to the Speaker of the House Mark Lounsbury, the temporary Senate Pro Tem Bret Wayne Greenwood, and all of the Senate and House of Representatives for giving us hope and a new life in this lawful and completed procedures.
*None of the contents of the foundational document or the meeting can be shared. We are asking for the Senate and House of Representatives to continue their support of the privacy nature of these events and of this historic document.
God Bless America,
From the Washington Post.
One month ago, the city of Chicago and the surrounding suburbs of Cook County became a foreclosure-free zone. It wasn’t the banks or judges that instituted the moratorium, because they were still moving cases forward at a rapid clip. The holdup was elsewhere: at the sheriff’s office.
Sheriff Thomas J. Dart, whose office is responsible for physically evicting delinquent homeowners, announced Oct. 19 that his deputies would “no longer be doing the banks’ work for them anymore.” “I can’t possibly be expected to evict people from their homes when the banks themselves can’t say for sure everything was done properly,” he explained. After reading about problems such as banks “robo-signing” foreclosure documents without verifying their accuracy, Dart asked that attorneys for mortgage companies sign something personally confirming that evictions are justified. None did. So Dart has refused to honor their requests.
thought MERS was gong?
thins again?
maybe yo was thinking of mertz, as in fred and ethyl mertz?
Posted on November 11, 2010 by Neil Garfield
COMBO Title and Securitization Search, Report, Documents, Analysis & Commentary COMBO Title and Securitization Search, Report, Documents, Analysis & Commentary
After years of negative judicial decisions about the use of a straw-man on mortgages, MERS was about to lose its existence as well as its credibility. But now all of that is set to change as Wall Street money is pouring into the coffers of those who are receptive (i.e., almost everyone in Congress). The legislation is already being drafted under the interstate commerce clause to ratify MERS and everything it did retroactively. It appears that the Obama administration is ready to pardon all the securitization deviants by signing this bill into law. This information is corroborated by several people who are in sensitive positions — persons who would be the first to know such proposals. Fortunately, there are some people in Washington who have a conscience and do not want to see this happen.
Besides the obvious seediness of this maneuver, it runs roughshod over state property laws, and the rights of investors, homeowners and borrowers. It amounts to a permanent installation of a Federal system that supersedes the county records for recording property rights. Off-record comments I’ve heard from people in power are outraged at this assault on states’ rights. But these people are not legislators, who are getting promises larger than anything in your imagination, if they will support such a bill. It might be couched as a uniform law to be adopted by the states to get around the states rights issues, but it will permanently remove some of the power over property that lies solely within the jurisdiction of the states and place it preemptively within federal jurisdiction.
All of this is scheduled to happen during the lame duck session of congress between now and the end of the this year, 2010. That means in a manner of days, some bill that may look like it has nothing to do with property, mortgages or foreclosures is going to have attached to it a provision whose effect will go even further than the notarization bill that went through Congress like S–t through a goose and almost got signed by the President. We caught that one AFTER it was passed by Congress unanimously but before Obama signed it.
We announced it as an attempt at a presidential pardon to all those who committed crimes in the notarization of documents that were fabricated and forged, all those who committed forgery and perjury and all those who created counterfeit documentation that was presented to courts as original documents.
This time we got the information, we think, before it was stitched into some innocuous looking bill. If we don’t find it and block it, the plight of homeowners will get that much worse.
like jugs beans no, easy cum, easy go.
as in BOHICA
Thank God, I'm so relieved. And to think I had doubts.
Flaws in Bank of America Corp.’s foreclosure paperwork haven’t caused the bank to seize any homes improperly, the president of the company’s home-loan division said in testimony prepared for Congress today.
So many things one can you say about this. Given all the felony's committed by banks, elected officials and regulatory agencys, it so refereshing to have some one look out for the little old tax payers interest. Must be a real weight on your shoulders to carry all that morality. LOL LOL LOL
The U.S. Internal Revenue Service dropped its demand for the identities of Americans who hold secret offshore bank accounts at UBS AG, after concluding it has the names of more than 7,500 names of the customers.
“When people cheat on their taxes, the vast majority of honest U.S. taxpayers suffer the consequences and have to make up the difference,”
DEC. 7, 2010
the above youtube clip is in french, but with english subtitles
also, do not know what the signficance of dec. 7 for france is.
what i do know is, that a bank run staring in france will quickly spreak worldwide....get yo popcorn ready!!!
clif high/webbots are getting ready to POP!!!
(you may also want to get some stored food and water + essentials ready too)
btw- the DOW is already knocking off -200 pts and theres hours to go yet.
Any one interested in the on going BANK MORTGAGE FRAUD and subsequent foreclosure fraud, should view this almost 3 hr long congressional hearing on the subject.
Of special interest were testimony from Diane Thompson, National Law Center and Adam Levitin, Law Professor from Georgetown University speaking of UCC-1,trusts and securitization.
Read the words of FDIC chair person, Sheila Bair. This amounts to absolute fabrication (bull shit),in fact it's legalized fabrication (bull shit). Balance sheets should reveal the financial condition of an entity on a given date. The assumption that banks never sell is a foundation for a decision set in shifting sand that skirts the reason for a yearly balance sheet.The only reason for this, is to hide the fact banks are BROKE AND WISH TO DECEIVE INVESTORS WITH FULL SUPPORT OF THE FEDERAL GOVT.
"Another ongoing regulatory process is FASB’s proposal to substantially revise the accounting standards for financial instruments. Under the proposed rule, banks would be required to measure substantially all of their financial instruments at fair value on the balance sheet.
While we understand that the objective of the rule is to make financial statements more transparent, we believe that its effect could be to undermine financial stability by making bank performance more procyclical. In short, we do not believe that a bank – whose business strategy is to hold loans and deposit liabilities for the long term – should be required to measure them at fair value on the balance sheet."
yabba dabba do!!!
yabba dabba do!!!
yabba dabba do!!!
yabba dabba do!!!
Oversight committee analyzes the problems that the mortgage industry still has:
HR3808,the bill to require any Federal or State court to recognize any notarization made by a notary public licensed by a State other than the State where the court is located when such notarization occurs in or affects interstate commerce, FRAUDULENT OR NOT was defeated last night.
The defeat of that bill is another victory for the consumer/borrower.
Had that bill passed the banks could legitimize all of those false documents they had notorized in the past where the notary wasn't present.
Since there is proof of the banks falsifying thousands of documents, the fear of the banks is to be charged under RICO & lose their assets by governmental seizure.
Legal definition.
A scheme or artifice to deprive another of the intangible right of honest services. 18 USC; Any plan or course of action intended to deceive others, and to obtain, by false or fraudulent pretenses, representations, or promises, money or property from persons so deceived.
Washington’s purchase by Wall Street has created an amalgamation between law and those that would ignore law for profit, arrogantly, in the light of day and now without accountability. This article lays out the truth that foreclosure fraud is the product of producing false evidence created at the pleasure and for the purpose of the Banksters and courts.
Janet Tavakoli
President, Tavakoli Structured Finance
Posted: November 12, 2010 03:51 PM
Foreclosure fraud isn’t about losing paperwork or having incorrect paperwork. It is about committing fraud and trying to manipulate the U.S. legal system. No one — not even a bank — can show up in court with phony evidence. State Attorneys General decry foreclosure fraud, because among other things, people signed affidavits making representations that were untrue. This is fraud on the court. All of these foreclosures may be vacated.
Corrupt people in Congress and corrupt regulators cannot intervene for the banks this time. Banks have to face state courts, and many Attorneys General are happy to take them on. Banks that committed fraud on the court do not get a do-over. Even if they can show up later with correct documents, it does not erase the original crime of fraud on the court. Anyone who presented phony documents as evidence in court broke the law. Former Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray advised banks that engaged in fraud on the courts (by submitting falsified affidavits) to negotiate meaningful loan modifications.
Former Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray advised banks that engaged in fraud on the courts (by submitting falsified affidavits) to negotiate meaningful loan modifications.
ok, you caught me after i held up the bank!
now i will negotiate a deal to give some of the money back to the bank, but i will keep some of it.
whats that to do with robbing the bank?
just because you caught me?
This video explains why MOST MBS (mortgage backed securities) can't foreclose on people, so if the SERVICER doesn't have or own the note AND THE MORTGAGE, OR IT'S BEEN LOST (EXCUSE) THAN NO ONE CAN LEGALLY FORECLOSE. In essence the MBS are unsecured creditors without proper recordation of all the paperwork. Only a secured creditor can foreclose:
In the video is says that the banks have bigger problems than even before the bailout, since investors are calling their attorneys to make the banks buy back these loan issues DUE TO FRAUD & DUE TO IMPROPER PAPERWORK THAT WAS NEVER COMPLETED BECAUSE THE BANKS WANTED TO SAVE ON RECORDING FEES. NOW THE BANKS HAVE BIGGER PROBLEMS DUE TO POTENTIAL LAWSUITS, NOT ONLY FROM THE MBS TRUSTS BUT BY CONSUMERS TOO THAT WERE ILLEGALLY FORECLOSED UPON.
There's a lawsuit in Indiana against Bank of America charging them under the RICO statutes. Since it's a fact they used fraudulent paperwork to foreclose on many people, & used the mails, than this constitutes a criminal activity under RICO. Well, RICO allows for seizure of assets when fraud is involved. Banks are afraid of getting their assets seized by the government. How's that for irony?
Sop the markets fine; there is no missle to worry about and you talk to much;
Your one of those people who's glass is alway's half empty.
Your a Paranoid freak. Anyway why do you care if Dr. Fred is broke like you. Blaaaa Blaaaa Blaaaa. Loser!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sop the markets fine; there is no missle to worry about and you talk to much;
Your one of those people who's glass is alway's half empty.
Your a Paranoid freak. Anyway why do you care if Dr. Fred is broke like you. Blaaaa Blaaaa Blaaaa. Loser!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sop the markets fine; there is no missle to worry about and you talk to much;
Your one of those people who's glass is alway's half empty.
Your a Paranoid freak. Anyway why do you care if Dr. Fred is broke like you. Blaaaa Blaaaa Blaaaa. Loser!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sop the markets fine; there is no missle to worry about and you talk to much;
Your one of those people who's glass is alway's half empty.
Your a Paranoid freak. Anyway why do you care if Dr. Fred is broke like you. Blaaaa Blaaaa Blaaaa. Loser!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sop,blaaa blaaa blaaa
whose dr. fred???
i no a dentiste name dr. fred?
sop why do u care if dr. fred is broke like u.
sop why do u care if dr. fred is broke like u.
sop why do u care if dr. fred is broke like u.
sop rode the short bus.
i dont no this 'dr. ferd' that yu refred too?
but whover he is, is he not all in one peace?
it too bad if he is broken.
sop u msudrstod he not broken he just hve no money lik u. Why do u care he has no money lik u????????????????????????????????????????????????
sop u msudrstod he not broken he just hve no money lik u. Why do u care he has no money lik u????????????????????????????????????????????????
sop why u care he has no money like u?
sop why?
sop why?
sop why?
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