Friday, November 12, 2010

Save Me 2-19-10

This is the substantive montra of just about every prayer to touch the ears of God. If people would stop to analyze this prayer they would see that it rocks with all the flaws of our selfish nature. I can only imagine how many clients sent up prayers during foreclosures, loss of job, Dorean troubles. Oh that people would come to know the trustworthiness of God and His love towards you. Christ showed this when His prayer was for God to be glorified not salvation from a cross. This was the model for Scott and I. We could have spent all our time focused on prayers for deliverance but God’s glory forced upon us the course we have taken. I know to the sinners it appears I am getting my ass kicked and that I am being punished. Even friends have fallen prey to the devil’s interpretation. But I can say I have never been more blessed than I am this day. Only those brave enough to say “unto you do I commend my spirit” know the joys of surrender to God’s care. He is God and from that vantage point making all things work together for good to easy work. The arrogance of a “save me” prayer is it is faithless. God is your servant to the dictates of your will. You trust yourself and your idea of good. You remain in control without trust. As soon as an exit or possible exit appears you jump on it and decree it God’s will. How many choices in this trial can you imagine Scott and I faced to lead us to a quicker exit? There were hundreds but our surrender to Christ and our desire to see Him glorified made obvious our course. Could I fathom the nature of the course? No way but then I’m not God and the course is not my job. Much of my boosting, expectations of victory, and hope for you are founded on my experience of trusting God in prior trials and the awesome love by which He loves His children. Alsup and any army He can raise are the least concern for man lost in God’s care. His power is extinguishable and God’s ways are distinguishable. I don’t’ need to be saved I was saved long ago in Christ. What I need now is to see m savior honored. This happens as a matter of course as long as I stay on it. When this is finished many of you will recall how you failed in trusting God and yet even with you as an enemy He still placed servants in your stead to suffer what you were unwilling to do and saved you. That is an awesome love that one day you’ll discover is trustworthy. Then “save me” will sound as foolish as it is.

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