Friday, November 12, 2010

Trophies Of Faith 2-09-10

Scott and I have discussed many times our desire to return a trophy for our faith. I think this a noble exercise though none of our imaginations came to pass. Looking upon a battlefield and desiring some trophy to say you prevailed for the warrior seems natural. Unfortunately spiritual warfare can have strange rules of engagement. That was the case with Dorean. We were to suffer total devastation and losses of every major battle. This was not as difficult as it sounds. Knowing you have already won the war in Christ Jesus makes the loss of battles more than tolerable, even joyful. But at the end of this exercise is an interesting revelation. Faith is a trophy unto itself. The very battles that caused us to seek a trophy of faith gave us the faith in substance. But faith as precious a gift it is and as glorious a trophy it becomes offers and yields even a greater price and treasure. For the hope of true faith is Christ Himself. To posses Him in the intimacy of a warm and tender relationship filled with love make trinkets of memorabilia completely forgettable. I think arriving at this trophy may very well change forever the way I look at battles in the future. I will know I posses the greatest trophy in advance. In fact I will advance under the banner of Christ Himself, for the battle is the Lord’s. In this light I’m my beloved’s and He is mine and both are the treasured trophy of the other. Isn’t love grand?

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