Wednesday, March 09, 2011


The older I get in the Lord the more the simple things confound me. This institution is treating my fast as a hunger strike. The only similarity is the restraint of food intake. Though they know I am practicing my Christian faith without political agenda they have no policy for fasting so I am punished inappropriately. It seems obvious to me that policies are written for general guidance when the correct set of contemplated fasts appears. They can never have the advantage over human reason to adapt to an unforeseen set of facts. Yet within our government this is precisely how it functions. What confounds me in this situation is how quickly society changes. When I was a boy those who showed reverence and devotion to God were respected. They were looked to as a measure of righteousness, Wisdom, and integrity. Now nothing but perverts of truth holds positions of trust. Their wisdom is foolishness; there kindness is hatred; and their benevolence criminal. I am in a dry observation cell because they are looking out for me. (health and safety) I have to beg for water I would provide myself in a regular cell. I take showers now Monday, Wednesday and Friday instead of everyday in a regular cell. My skin dries out but I can’t have lotion because on a hunger stride you are punished. Now they want to take my blood to look out for me. The hypocrisy is evident. So I told them you may keep my lotion I’ll keep my blood. If you’ve ever heard the phrase “I’m from the government I’m here to help” you understand the sarcasm. Love cannot be faked. Any service offered outside of love will effectually` offend and cause pain when will wisdom return?


Anonymous said...

did yo see da toon army coss by da erthquak yet??

like yo sayed, dg or no gd, it wont mata all gonna cum to a end...maybe even beefo 2012 cum.....

da hole thins is cumming down.

Anonymous said...

why da end is gong to cum?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

yo came, now da end is gong to cum all ova yo face!

Anonymous said...

so go read clif high and his webbots update at the above link.

Anonymous said...

get yo popcorn reddy...can yo see dat da radaton is cumming....gonna cook yo up like a poopcorn...nah, da end isnt cummin'.....nah....

clif high/webpots say dat da 25th is the next day to wash out for....somethins big is cummin.....whay jug beans at???

he can see it cummin...he always look at somenuns behind.....