Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Panama Gets It (10/31/06)

The Panamanian government after watching the DVD has refused to extradite Mr. Julian. It became clear to them that there was no intent to defraud but a sincere belief that there was an injustice being addressed. They certainly don’t see the big picture but the surface was enough. Of course this government didn’t have a vested interest in being a patsy for the banker cartel. I wonder what they saw that you’re not seeing. Oh yeah you’re not watching it because it might corrupt your adolescent sense of justice. Thank you Panama it is nice to know government and common sense are not mutually exclusive.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Moogie, if you believe this, you are now a certifiable nut case, just as Kurt has already proven himself to be.

How many of Kurt's timelines, prophecy's, dreams, hopes, desires, and preemonitions have come to be true?

When was this originally supposed to be over, June? Then, August???

Please lay off of the kool-aid, as it's now time to start consuming egg-nog.

Anonymous said...

TwinGift94 said...
If any of you dumb asses have ever been in litigation or even in a court of law. Timelines are always being adjusted, extended, cancelled for reason or no reason.

On the contrary, "dumb ass", how many timelines have came and went PRIOR to anyone ever being arrested? So go crawl back in your hole.

G-FORCE said...

--------Where can I obtain said DVD? Credible persons please respond.

Anonymous said...

TwinGift94 said...
to justice77777777
Go ahead now and call me names and a 'certifiable nut case'. Now come on, don't let everyone down.

You are the ones that are calling people names (dumb asses), so you may want to get some tests run for bi-polar disorder.

G-FORCE said...

---"Debt free in a nine month period." --click Prophecy in the News --click National Prophecies --click Nov. 2, 2006 ------Also wind in AZ and a earthquake in the Grand Canyon.

Anonymous said...

mogel said...
are too cheap with their time & money ....

Hmmmm, if my memory serves me correct from the ole' psites forum, moogie, doesn't this trait belong to you as well?

Didn't you send your potential clients to other brokers' presentations and tell them to contact you after for a cheaper price? Seems to me you were too cheap and lazy with your time and money.....

G-FORCE said...

-------Thanks Mogel---I actually did order them during the "Early Bird Special" about a year ago. I just have not recieved them yet. I know this is good news to some, and will provide deep intellectual debate for others. I will email Dr. Fred at and try to remedy the situation. --thanks again

~~The Swami~~~ said...

It does appear the walls of deception the nay sayers have worked so long and hard to build up are tumbling down faster than gravity itself. When you choose the side of crooked, deceiving bankers...............YOU LOSE!!!!! Kurt, the truth shall set you free my brother!!!!!!!!!!!

Stay tuned for more bricks to fall...............

son of a prophet said...


"It's a good thing we live in the good ol USA were our government would never do anything like hide money or use drug money, or any other underhanded things."

be carful! guv cant get you the legal way, the will send CIA agents to make a "renditon" of you and transport you to foreign counrty and do torture on you!

they will come get you in the middle of the night when you sleping.

son of a prophet said...

btw, hire some good panamamian security agents who not on CIA payroll to potect you while you watch you DVD.

when CIA agent come to get you, take out you DVD and let him watch it too.

CAI agnets dont mak that much money, they will enjoy learning how to get they mortgatge paid off with the DG process.

tell them you will help with the papaerwork if they dont try to kidmap you out of pamana.

KYHOOYA said...


You don't know the first thing about the word "Justice" and with every post you show more & more that your intent here is nothing but that of someone that is working for the banks or Gov.

The time anyone spends in debate with you should only be for their pure entertainment or a good laugh at the context of your postings, This should be done with the upfront knowlage that this time is wasted complete.

You Sir, are a nothing more than a infection that grown out of control to the point of it gangrenes's state.

The only cure for your kind and it's growing infection on this country is nothing less than to amputate!

It's not all bad news for you though. They say the recovery rate after this kind of procedure is better than 50% but this is only achieved by some who are willing to give their all in rehab to learning there could be something out there for then other than a life of working for those that are stealing the very foundation of this country apart and all for what? I would'nt expected you to try and answer that, How could you in the state of mind you display here.

Open your mind and try and learn something new every day. You don't have to agree with everything that someone says to get sone good from it.
Or are you that special that you know everything?

That if true than there is know chance that you might be wrong, know chance at all, ya okay doky then.

It's always nice to see when someone can has the vision to look past the b.s. and get the heart of the message.

If you think for one second that locking up someone almost 2 years with still know trial date in sight, have been taken from your everyday life and held in limbo well you watch as the people that you started to help are getting stomped on as the courts set you up so that you can not make a move to do a thing other wise they will hve a real charge aganst you for the restaining order in place to prevent your from doing a thing with any of the clients in the civil case and that not only is it a show of a court that is bent on calling this and you a "Internet scam".
If you think this is the way all should be treated in this countries court system and that jst because you or some judge have a personal feeling about this they should be let to side step the law in it's full acordence and disregaurd of some one rights and liberties.
I mean come on a few delays in a civil trial maybe but in a criminal case?

No way can anyone look at this and be fare For say that the time alone is out rages and the whole system is noy being fare.

show me where there is law that backs up the incarseration of someone for this time and is done with all good intent? good luck on that one!

Anonymous said...

KYHOOYA said...

You don't know the first thing about the word "Justice" and with every post you show more & more that your intent here is nothing but that of someone that is working for the banks or Gov.


With every post you show more & more your need to learn the speak, spell, and write the english language.

Here are some links to help:

This link will get you emailed a word a day with meaning, how to pronounce, spelling.

Program opens up the world of reading to children, by their using letters and sounds to make words. Discover learning programs in math and reading for children.

Do eveyone here a favor and enroll and SUCCESSFULLY complete number (2) two at least before you post again.

Anonymous said...

~~The Swami~~~ said...

Stay tuned for more bricks to fall...............

Hopefully, the bricks fall after hitting you in the head and spilling the rest of the kool-aid.

~~The Swami~~~ said...

justice77777777 said...

Hopefully, the bricks fall after hitting you in the head and spilling the rest of the kool-aid.


Anger Management

Anonymous said...

~~The Swami~~~ said...
justice77777777 said...

Anger Management

Here's my TWO WORDS:


turboboy said...

the thing that gets me about these nah sayers is,they act like this stuff thats being done to kurt and scott is right and that they deserve it...that shows their true colors.this stuff that they are going thru is par for the course when dealing with as corrput a government as we have..they have themselves so intertwined with money grubbers its not funny..they say bend over the gov says tell me when your done...the court case will take as long as it takes.but honestly,how much evidence can they try and surrpess,without impuning the rights to defend oneself..they won't gamble with this going to court,becuase if they find that what kurt and scott did is exactly the same thing as the mortgage industry has been doing for years,and they find tham guilty then the whole industry will be about you litigation!! the sleepers in this country [the sheep] will wake up all of a sudden and things will go into to caos..thats why bush made it possible to enact martial without approval..we will be beat down by our own military!!! man then for sure gods coming...get yourself ready!!! i'm with the boys.they are fighting goliath and i think they are smart enough to win...