Friday, November 12, 2010

True Justice 5-18-10

The fruit of truth ripens very slowly. That does not mean it is not worth the wait. Once its been tasted all the instant flavors of fraud will not satisfy. Justice and truth are inseparable. If one seeks justice he is impatient, if he seeks it not he is a fool. I cannot make a fool’s choice but can admit to my impatience. Because justice and truth mature at a slow rate a man’s soul advanced very easily into impatience. Even against spiritual reasons this emotion will blossom. The word makes it clear that truth and justice are under the providential care of God and never neglected. Yet when His decree goes out instantly manifestation from the spiritual dimension to the physical factors in the many ingredients necessary to properly yield the crop of truth and justice. God is not slack with the truth of the Dorean process or late in delivering justice for its cause. It’s hard to believe 5 years have passed without receiving these exceptions But to be a fool and surrender my faith cannot erase or cure the pain of impatience. Not only trusting in God’s faithfulness will cure the impatience and taste of that ripe and divine fruit. Harvest time is nearing but let’s not get ahead of ourselves, nor become foolish. God knows truth and justice intimately. Better than we can imagine. Command your causes to Him and you will receive true justice.

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